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Quotes of the week: ‘He just liked to talk to people’

“Most days he would draw, but at the same time he wanted to talk to everybody. So, he ...


Karen Carroll: Shield a Badge With Prayer — a plea to be aware

By Karen Carroll Being aware takes effort. Many today are so overwhelmed with the tasks of providing basic ...


John Trump: Consumers know what they want, and it’s not Russian vodka

By John Trump A ban on Russian vodka, a move by many U.S. states and countries, is wholly ...


Editorial: Candidates skip quickly past pleasantries

Rowan County could be in for one or more bitter primary elections among local Republicans. Already, 2022 elections ...


Editorial: Make candidates run where they live

The ability for candidates to shop around for their favorite congressional district is bad for the democratic process. ...


Quotes of the week: ‘The way it should be’

“It’s geared more around adoptions and volunteers and getting (dogs) homes. … The way it should be.” — ...


Letter: Consider playground at Salisbury YMCA

It seems that there is an interest at the YMCA on Jake Alexander Boulevard to build more pickleball ...


Alexander H. Jones: State’s leaders are failing rural North Carolina

By Alexander H. Jones Between the year 2000 and the end of that decade, North Carolina was the ...


Editorial: Avoid partisanship, embrace common solutions around Ukraine invasion

To hear Rowan County’s congressman, Rep. Ted Budd, tell it, President Joe Biden may be solely responsible for ...


My Turn, Carol Hallman: Pray for peace in times of war

By Carol Hallman Why is this important to us, the people of Salisbury, to pray for peace? Many ...


Quotes of the week: ‘It was very hard to accept’

“It was very hard to accept as a young adult that her doctors had nothing to give her.” ...


Editorial: Finally, 2022 election can begin

Let the elections begin. After delayed Census results, later-than-usual redistricting, gerrymandering allegations and lawsuits upending the election process, ...


DG Martin: Finding the best for PBS NC

By D.G. Martin Earlier this month Lindsay Bierman, leader of North Carolina’s public television network since August 2019, ...

Guest columns

John Hood: Sidelined workers help fuel inflation

By John Hood What’s the hottest political issue right now? According to recent poll results, it’s inflation. Welcome ...


Editorial: Increased costs shouldn’t change Knox-Overton K-8 project

Like most things, the price of Rowan-Salisbury Schools’ combined Knox-Overton K-8 school project increased from an initial estimate ...


Quotes of the week: ‘That man smiled more than anybody I know’

“That man smiled more than anybody I know. It didn’t matter if you had just won 8-0 or ...


Laurels: North Rowan students protest peacefully

Laurel to North Rowan High School students for peacefully protesting inaction by Rowan-Salisbury Schools administrators. Students walked out ...


DG Martin: Lottery or bitcoin?

How are the state lottery and bitcoins alike? Or a better question: is a bitcoin purchase better than ...


Editorial: Back again, Dollar General picks new site

The year is 2022. The world is still in the middle of a global pandemic that has claimed ...


Editorial: RSS’ cyberattack still plaguing systems

A cyberattack against Rowan-Salisbury Schools is turning out to be more serious than the district initially let on. ...


Quotes of the week: ‘Everybody is heartbroken’

“Everybody is heartbroken for the children. We’re not scared. We’re just so sad that something like this happened.” ...

My Turn

My Turn, Ronnie Smith: National cemetery vital for families in region

By Ronnie Smith As an Air Force and Vietnam veteran, a member of our local veterans’ organizations, including ...


Ada Fisher: Voter rights are already guaranteed

By Ada Fisher One of North Carolina’s greatest U.S. senators was Democrat Samuel James Ervin, Jr., (1954-1974) a ...


Editorial: Community responds to Dixonville vandalism

The community responded forcefully and generously following the discovery of vandalized graves at Dixonville Cemetery last week. At ...


Editorial: Keep party politics off of RSS Board of Education

The proposed conversion of all local elections in the county to partisan will further tear at frayed threads ...


Quotes of the week: ‘The grave should be sacrosanct’

“When you think about not being able to live in peace, you can’t even die in peace. It ...


Editorial: Two is a coincidence — three is a trend

China Grove is close to developing a fraught relationship with major housing developments. In October 2020, the China ...


John Hood: Preschool intervention gets poor marks

RALEIGH — Perhaps we should “follow the science” and abolish North Carolina’s pre-kindergarten program. After all, the largest ...

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