Latest Columns Archives - Salisbury Post


Elisabeth Strillacci: Where were you?

Do you remember where you were? It was a bright, beautiful sunny morning on Sept. 11, 2001. We ...


Elisabeth Strillacci: Hello, stranger

How do we deal with strangers that may get a little too close for comfort these days? We ...


Kent Bernhardt: What’s with all the squirrels?

By Kent Bernhardt Is it me, or is Salisbury just infested with squirrels lately? Maybe I just never ...


Lynna Clark: Don’t forget

We’re 68. Well … I am. Though he is a few months younger than me, David knows enough ...


Mack Williams: The eye of spring recalled

With the coming of the Summer Solstice being now some weeks away, I thought back to how this ...


Kent Bernhardt: Not cool — don’t wanna be

By Kent Bernhardt I’m not cool. It’s a reality that I’m comfortable with because the truth is I ...


Ashlie Miller: Honey in the rock

Pulling the boiling water pot off the burner, my 5-year-old and I mixed sugar until it dissolved, creating ...


Ashlie Miller: The white flower —for Mother’s Day

Before I leave the house Sunday morning, I will add an extra accessory to my dress — a ...


Mike Wilson: Ice capades

By Mike Wilson I am no Nancy Kerrigan, by which I do not mean to suggest that I ...


Ashlie Miller: Jesus remembers and restores

If you ever make a Christian pilgrimage to Israel, be sure to visit the Church of the Primacy ...


Lynna Clark: Beautiful Joes

By Lynna Clark What could he do? It came down to a couple different options. He could break ...


Mack Williams: Old demolished house

The other day I was driving around when I suddenly saw something different; actually, it was something different ...


Lynna Clark: Knock, knock

I have two sisters who are twins. Not with me, with each other. Otherwise I guess we’d be ...


Mike Wilson: Cousin Chris

By Mike Wilson   Christian Sorenson Bennett, one year my senior, was my favorite boyhood cousin. He was ...


Mike Wilson: Down Mexico way

By Mike Wilson In light of the most recent round of border disturbances, Mexico no longer calls to ...


Lynna Clark: All mine

“Hey man! Don’t be takin’ my donkey!” That’s what I would’ve said if a couple of strangers came ...


Mike Wilson: Namesakes — all those other Michaels

By Mike Wilson   I was once told that I was named Michael after my mother’s favorite great uncle ...


Ashlie Miller: Trying to savor those Sandwich Years

Two slices of bread with a mix of creamy peanut butter stirred with globs of grape jelly smeared ...


Mack Williams: Palm Sunday road reverie

With Ash Wednesday not far in the past, Palm Sunday surely is just around the corner. My church’s ...


Lynna Clark: Inept with new technology

By Lynna Clark I’m kind of clumsy when it comes to social graces. Like Don Rickles on the ...


Mack Williams: An overgrown memory

One recent day, I visited a life-long friend of my late wife Diane (and almost life-long friend of ...


Lynna Clark: That can’t be good

We have three grown daughters scattered about making their little corners of the world better. During a recent ...


Lynna Clark: Big ol’ bucket

We used to have the best doctor. When David’s A1C registered high, she gave him a plan to ...


Mike Wilson: The high art of the low crawl

I killed my first duck, a hen mallard, while lying on my belly in soupy mud under buckbushes ...


Lynna Clark: Winter hope

Don’t you love seeing daffodils this time of year? Around our house they seem to be popping up ...


Mack Williams: Nuts about acorns

Some time ago, while walking the trail in a local park, a late-falling acorn hit the top of ...


Lynna Clark: Pointy finger

By Lynna Clark Did you ever have the pleasure of meeting my mom-in-law Nina? She was feisty, funny ...


Mike Wilson: The fugitive — an uninvited lesson in applied calculus

By Mike Wilson When my wife and I decided to dock our powerboat at Lake Norman, I was ...

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