
Tom Campbell: Who will win the primaries?

By Tom Campbell My wife and I voted early and were appalled at how few had voted less ...


Letters to the editor for March 5

An open letter to Congressman Dan Bishop In 2014, Russia invaded Ukraine and was able to capture Crimea ...


Tom Campbell: Why are we voting on March 5th?

By Tom Campbell Can you remember when elections were contests where candidates expressed their political philosophies, told us ...


Kenneth L. Hardin: Somehow we must break the cycle

By Kenneth L. Hardin “I never ever ran from the Klu Klux Klan and I shouldn’t have to ...


Byron York: Democrats voting in GOP primaries support Haley

By Byron York The Michigan Democratic and Republican primaries took place Tuesday. The Democratic contest is interesting not ...


Elisabeth Strillacci: The Bionic Man

By Elisabeth Strillacci For the Salisbury Post I had to be cautious in my title because I don’t ...


Whitey Harwood: I can help

By Whitey Harwood For the Salisbury Post Billy Swan wrote and recorded the song “I Can Help” in ...


Cal Thomas: Don’t pay politicians during government shutdown

By Cal Thomas When the government shuts down, the people responsible continue to receive their pay because they ...


Mitch Kokai: Rooftop solar’s subsidies flow toward those who need them least

By Mitch Kokai Fans of government spending like to talk about “investments.” When government isn’t spending enough on their ...


Dear Neighbor: Pam Bloom: Toddlers and politics

By Pam Bloom Dear Neighbor, It’s 2024 and she’s suddenly three. Confident, silly, inquisitive and sometimes obstinate with ...


Marie Harrison: Rare Disease Day

By Marie Harrison  For the Salisbury Post In honor of Rare Disease Day on Feb. 29, my daughter ...


Steven V. Roberts: Steady vs. chaotic

By Steven V. Roberts When Jon Stewart returned to Comedy Central after an eight-year absence, New York Times ...


Amy Cooke: New school board group sounds alarm on mediocre education putting ‘nation at risk’

By Amy Cooke Forty-one years ago, under the leadership of President Ronald Reagan, the National Commission on Excellence ...


John Hood: Lt. governor race draws 14 candidates

By John Hood Most of the executive-branch offices comprising North Carolina’s Council of State are either open seats ...


Elisabeth Strillacci: When it rains, it pours

By Elisabeth Strillacci I’m guessing we all know the observed meaning of the phrase “when it rains, it ...


My Turn: Renee Schiedt: Betrayed by Sen. Tillis

By Renee Schiedt I used to think our Senator, Tom Tillis, looked out for us and made decisions ...


Byron York: Judge Engoron’s retribution

By Byron York Donald Trump has just a few weeks to find a way to pay, or guarantee ...


Kenneth L. Hardin: My military memories — part three

By Kenneth L. Hardin After the first week of basic training, I realized I had never been taught ...


Tom Campbell: Deciding to stick to love

By Tom Campbell Our Sunday school class has been studying a series called, “Share the Dream,” lessons from ...


Kris Nordstrom: Putting the investments needed to uphold children’s education rights in context

By Kris Nordstrom Public education is a policy area rife with big numbers. North Carolina schools serve more than ...


Dear Neighbor: Silvia Middleton: Let’s vote!

By Silvia Middleton Dear Neighbor, As we face the upcoming election season (and the dreaded political commercials), I ...


Letters to the editor: Feb. 22

Fund the Leandro plan How many years does it take to provide a sound, basic education to all ...


Avoid changing schools to help students succeed

By Douglas Lee Lauen and David Griffith Despite signs of progress, the latest test results show that most ...


Kenneth L. Hardin: Can adults run away from home?

By Kenneth L. Hardin I saw a quote on social media recently that I agreed with so passionately it ...


John Hood: Five candidates run for state treasurer

By John Hood After eight years as state treasurer of North Carolina — and prior public-service roles as ...


Dr. Mike Walden — Has the state labor market changed since COVID?

By Dr. Mike Walden Think about where you were four years ago, in February 2000. My wife and ...


Kenneth L. Hardin: My military memories — part two

By Kenneth L. Hardin I woke up on my first morning of basic military training thinking it was ...


Steven V. Roberts: Time to grow spines

By Steven V. Roberts The United States Congress is facing a critical crossroads. On a bipartisan vote of ...

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