Ester Marsh column: Be thankful and shine a positive light

Published 12:00 am Monday, November 9, 2015

First of all, I would like to commend the Salisbury Post for their amazing new publication — “Salisbury the magazine.” Not just because yours truly is in the latest Holiday edition, but I have enjoyed each one of them! Positive local news and amazing pictures by Jon C. Lakey, Publisher Greg Anderson, Editor Mark Wineka and Creative Director Andy Mooney and their team. I know at our Hurley YMCA they have been going like hot cakes, but I saw where another batch came in the other day! I like them so much I have signed up for a subscription.

I like to surround myself with positive, beautiful stories and people. Which leads me into today’s column — When you look at all the news out there, most of it is bad, negative or actually none of our business, like the big fuss about Blake Shelton dating Gwen Stefani.

When the holiday season is upon us, we should be thankful for our family and friends and for all the wonderful things which are happening around us and the world. I am super thankful I am able to go visit my family in my home country, the Netherlands, in the beginning of December and rest assured I will be taking plenty of copies of Salisbury the Magazine to share the beauty of Salisbury displayed in it!

So, my challenge to you is to look at this holiday season to start (or continue) a positive outlook. Not just your life but also your mind, body and spirit. Seeing the cup as half full is not easy, especially when negativity and sadness rules the news and possibly your life. Thankfulness for what we have is important, as is taking responsibility for our actions, listening before reacting and being kind to one another.

When we look at all the wonderful things that happen in our lives, it should put a smile on your face. I have had my trials and tribulations, but in those situations, I find it helpful to think about those who are going through rougher times than I am.

Surround yourself with positive news and people. Believe you can make the positive changes. For example, my dear friend Lori is almost at her 80-pound weight loss mark! As she will tell you, it hasn’t been easy but with this challenge she has become a certified water exercise instructor and is doing an amazing job teaching water exercise classes. Her outlook and spirit have made her a positive and inspiring person to be around.

When you share positive vibes, people are drawn to you. Light the candle within yourself and share that light with your family, friends and community. The world will be a better place!

Ester H Marsh Associate Executive Director JF Hurley Family YMCA