Letter: We need a strong local newspaper

Published 12:00 am Thursday, August 16, 2018

The tariff wars hit my newspaper box Saturday morning. It was empty.

As a result of President Trump’s tariff wars, the price of newsprint and aluminum has skyrocketed and the Salisbury Post is forced to eliminate two papers a week, Saturday and Monday. Mine was delivered faithfully by my carrier, along with The Charlotte Observer, even in the worst of weather, seven days a week (which is what the subscriptions promised). Now Saturday’s Observer comes a day late, as does Monday’s paper.

The free press, vital to our democracy, is already struggling to stay alive. The Post has operated here for over 100 years. We need a strong and vibrant local newspaper to keep us informed.

Many carriers will see their incomes decline as much as $700 a month. We are without the news; carriers are without income. The free press is an endangered species.

Is this really what is going to Make America Great Again? I sincerely doubt it.

— Eileen Hanson-Kelly
