Preview: Commissioners to consider West End Plaza contract change
Published 12:00 am Sunday, May 5, 2024
SALISBURY — The Rowan County Board of Commissioners will consider an amendment to the contract between the county and ADW Architects that governs future West End Plaza projects during its upcoming board meeting on Monday.
The proposed amendment, which representatives from ADW will explain on Monday, would not change the total cost of the contract. Instead it would combine certain items under the base scope of the Health Department renovations, changing the fee schedule but not the total fees.
“Exhibit A within the Fee for Services Section of the Agreement shall be amended by the combination of pricing of $15,847,000 for the total amount of the contract not to change,” reads the memo sent from the Purchasing department to the commissioners on the amendment.
The meeting is scheduled for 3 p.m. on Monday and will be held at the Rowan County Administration building located at 130 W. Innes St. in Salisbury. The other agenda items that will be discussed include:
- The commissioners will hold a public hearing on a rezoning request for a property located at 700 Cauble Farm Road that would change it from Rural Residential to Rural Agricultural with an Agricultural Overlay. The property contains Cauble Creek Vineyard and the rezoning would move the district more in line with that usage.
- The commissioners will begin the process of changing the districting in the Richfield and East Rowan service districts. The redistricting would affect Gold Hill and Pooletown fire districts. The report given on Monday is required by state law to contain a map of the service district and adjacent territory, a statement that the boundary relocation meets state law, a plan for providing services to the areas affected and the effect the changes would have on taxable property and the ability of the district to to provide services or serve debt. The report is the first step required by state law, the commissioners will also be required to hold a public hearing and receive comment during a later meeting.
- The commissioners will hear about citizens who applied for membership of local advisory boards and potentially approve their appointments.