Ester Marsh: Temptations to do or not to do

Published 12:00 am Sunday, October 22, 2023

Halloween is just over a week away and Thanksgiving follows close after that.

Just as a disclaimer — I am not a licensed nutritionist! But the information is “just” common sense choices and little tricks that work for me through the holidays.

There will be lots of parties around the holidays with lots of wonderful, mostly high-calorie, food, snacks and drinks. I am not going to tell you not to go any parties!

That is what the holidays are all about — getting together with friends and family, and food does bring friends and family together. So how can we look at food and not see it as an enemy? How can we eat the things we like and not gain weight? How do we deal with the temptations when they are right in front of you?

Don’t ever go hungry to any party, whether it is a dinner party or a party with lots of wonderful snacks. Have a healthy snack or salad before you go. This way you can handle temptations a lot better. If it is a Halloween party, wear a fitted costume — that always works for me!

Buy Halloween candy for the kids that you don’t like that much! If you like it all, wait until the day before or the day of Halloween to buy the candy.

Don’t over buy candy, have a budget and when candy is gone turn porch light off. When you have leftover candy, get rid of it as soon as possible.

When having Thanksgiving dinner, or any other holiday lunch/dinner, use a small plate. You can only “load” so much on that little plate!

Wait 15 to 20 minutes before you go for seconds. It takes about that long for your brain to realize that you are full. Why do you think everyone’s pants come undone after they eat Thanksgiving dinner? They went for seconds/thirds/fourths when their brain finally realized they are stuffed!

Now, how about those home-baked goods? You know the ones everyone brings into work? This is what I do:

I say thank you and try to get “rid of” it (move to different location far away from my office) as soon as possible. When it sits there on my desk — staring at me — calling my name — what do you think will happen? I will eat it! Of course I will eat some. Especially Marti’s little pecan pies!

Make sure you have healthy, and good tasting, snacks nearby, so when you feel like snacking you can make a good choice. Plan each day out and have it readily available.

When you really want it, remember how you felt after the last time you “caved in.” Was it worth it? Sometimes it really is!

Remember calories in, calories out. When I eat more calories than I burn, I gain weight. When it is equal, weight stays the same. When I burn more calories than I eat, I lose weight. Sometimes that wonderful home-baked “treasure” is worth eating, just be aware of your calorie intake.

With all the different free apps out there and truly keeping track of your food intake and exercise, many people have figured out that when you are able to exercise more you can handle extra calories. They stay an extra 20-30 minutes, or come in once or twice more per week and are able to enjoy the “forbidden” foods while keeping their weight the same.

Don’t forget all the liquid calories you consume during the holidays. I have seen the greatest Halloween punchbowl with “eyeballs,” but also packed with hidden calories. Your eggnog, wines and specialty drinks are loaded with calories. Alternate your high-calorie drinks with water or seltzer water. If you truly can’t resist the temptations and can’t control yourself, is it worth going? Maybe it is, be true to yourself and be mindful of everything that goes into your body.

Especially through the holidays, weigh yourself once a week. This way you won’t be shocked after the holidays. But most of all, enjoy the upcoming holidays, enjoy your family and friends, share love, kindness and respect.

Ester H. Marsh is director of healthy living at the J.F. Hurley Family YMCA.