Letter to the Editor — Sept. 28

Published 12:00 am Thursday, September 28, 2023

Landis election mudslinging

It is disappointing to read the article in the Saturday, Sept. 23, Post concerning allegations of corruption by current Landis mayor Meredith Smith made by challenger Katie Sells, who herself is a sitting alderperson. This is the same tactic used by then-mayor Mahaley in his 2019 four-page letter when Ms. Sells herself was running for election. The letter contained three paragraphs, almost half a page, outlining allegations against Ms. Sells, none of which were proven to be true. Fortunately the voting public in Landis saw this letter for what it was, political mud-slinging and unfounded allegations which failed to effect the election results.

The current allegations against Mayor Smith have proven to be false, as written policies concerning payment of utility bills were followed by the town staff in this matter. In fact, these policies, enacted during the June 2021 board meeting in which Ms. Sells participated, were discussed, voted on and approved, Ms. Sells casting an “Aye” vote as verified by the meeting video. Perhaps this policy should have been read (re-read?) and the source and information accuracy should have been vetted prior to making this false allegation public. Having previously been on the receiving end of false allegations it is hard to understand why Ms. Sells chose this tactic but based on the many Face Book comments by Landis citizens it has proven to have had the opposite results than intended.

I trust the citizens of Landis will once again see thru an attempt to discredit a political opponent and vote to re-elect Mayor Smith. She has been a dedicated leader and has spent untold hours doing what is right for the citizens and will continue do so if elected for a second term. Compare her record to that of previous mayors and it is clear Mayor Smith is the best and only choice to lead our town forward.

— Marshall Sam Deadmon
