Area III Legion Playoffs: Rowan vs. Randolph in Area III championship series
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, July 17, 2018
Area III, first round, best of 3
(S4) Mocksville vs. (5N) Greensboro
Mocksville 13, Greensboro 3
Greensboro 11, Mocksville 5
Greensboro 16, Mocksville 11 (8 inns.)
(6S) Mooresville vs. (3N) W-Salem
Winston-Salem 5, Mooresville 3
Winston-Salem 4, Mooresville 2
(2S) Kannapolis vs. (7N) Kernersville
Kannapolis 10, Kernersville 1
Kannapolis 3, Kernersville 0
(3S) Concord vs. (6N) Davidson County
Concord 5, Davidson County 4
Davidson County 5, Concord 3
Davidson County 8, Concord 7
(5S) Stanly County vs. (4N) E. Randolph
Stanly County 4, E. Randolph 3
E. Randolph 8, Stanly County 7
Stanly County 9, E. Randolph 7
Area III quarterfinals, best-of-5
(1N) Randolph vs. (5N) Greensboro
July 6 Randolph County 8, Greensboro 7 (10 innings)
July 7 Randolph County 3, Greensboro 0
July 8 Randolph County 8, Greensboro 7
(2S) Kannapolis vs. (3N) Winston-Salem
July 7 Kannapolis 8, Winston-Salem 3
July 8 Kannapolis 8, Winston-Salem 4
July 9 Kannapolis 9, Winston-Salem 7
(2N) High Point vs. (6N) Davidson County
July 6 Davidson 9, High Point 0
July 7 High Point 10 Davidson Co. 6
July 8 High Point 7, Davidson Co. 2
July 9 High Point 11, Davidson Co. 6
July 10 at High Point (if needed)
(1S) Rowan County vs. (5S) Stanly
July 6 Rowan County 10, Stanly County 0
July 7 Rowan County 12, Stanly County 3
July 8 Rowan County 8, Stanly County 2
Area III, semifinals, best of 5
(1N) Randolph County vs. (2S) Kannapolis
July 12 Randolph County 2, Kannapolis 0
July 13 Randolph County 12, Kannapolis 2
July 14 Randolph County 15, Kannapolis 1
(2N) High Point vs. (1S) Rowan County
July 12 Rowan County 9, High Point 6
July 13 High Point 7, Rowan County 3
July 14 High Point 5, Rowan County 4
July 15 Rowan County 10, High Point 1
July 16 Rowan County 3, High Point 2
Area III, championship, best of 5
July 18 (1S) Rowan County at (1N) Randolph County
July 19 (1N) Randolph County at (1S) Rowan County
July 20 (1S) Rowan County at (1N) Randolph County
July 21 (1N) Randolph County at (1S) Rowan County, if needed
July 22 (1S) Rowan County at (1N) Randolph County, if needed
Rowan-Randolph winner qualifies for the state tournament.
State tournament, Finch Field, July 26-30
The High Point-Thomasville HiToms Post 87 American Legion program will serve as the host for the 91st NC American Legion state championship.