Town Crier community meetings
Published 12:00 am Monday, June 18, 2018
- Community meetings, Salisbury NC
Third Monday, June 18
Young Women of Church Women United, 9-10 am conference call. Info: 704-278-3505.
Salisbury Elks Lodge bingo, 508 S. Main St, to raise funds for its charities. Early games 5 pm, regular bingo 7 pm, 704-798-8168.
Shuford Memorial School Reunion cttee, 5 pm, Geneva Oglesby Community Center, Granite Quarry.
Rowan County Board of Commissioners, 6 pm, 130 W. Innes St.
Cabarrus County Board of Commissioners, 6:30 pm, Cabarrus County Gov Center, 65 Church St SE, Concord.
Old Rowan Fibre Guild, 6:30 pm, Center for Faith & the Arts, 207 W. Harrison St.
Harold B. Jarrett American Legion, dinner 7 pm, meeting follows meal.
Spencer Historic Preservation Commission, 7 pm, Town Hall.
Cleveland Lions Club, 7 pm, Cleveland Lions Den, Cemetery St, Meetings include dinner. Info 704-278-0974.
Third Tuesday, June 19
Free coffee and doughnuts for veterans, 9-11 am, Frontier Coffee Shoppe in Thelma’s Restaurant, West End Plaza.
TOPS NC 437, 10 am, Lakeview Baptist, 2532 Lane St, Kannapolis. Weigh-in 9:30 am, 704-938-3634.
Final Ramble through Rowan film, 10 am. Free. Rufty-Holmes Senior Center, 1120 S. Martin Luther King Jr. Ave. Info 704-216-7714.
Senior Rowan County Democrats, 1 pm, RCDP HQ, 1504 W. Innes St. Speaker TBA .
Salisbury Community Appearance Commission cttee, 3 p.m., fourth floor, 132 N. Main St. to discuss Salisbury Pride event.
Salisbury City Council, 5 pm, City Hall, 217 S. Main St.
Rowan County Tea Party, 6 pm dinner at Statesville Blvd Blue Bay, 7 pm presentation.
VFW Post 9131, 6:30 pm, 1433 Old Wilkesboro Road, Commander Hercules Shannon, 704-798-2032.
American Legion, Faith Post 327, 7 pm, Commander Lonnie Vanhoy, 704-279-1430.
Third Wednesday, June 20
Lexington Farmers Market, 8 a.m.-1 pm, The Depot on Railroad St.
Veterans Voices, 10 a.m. Free coffee for veterans of all branches, active or retired. Tilley Harley-Davidson, 653 Bendix Drive.
Salisbury Lion’s Club, Noon, Harold B. Jarrett Legion Post, 1024 Lincolnton Road. Lunch plus programs. Visitors welcome.
Rowan Museum Board of Trustees, 4 pm, 202 N. Main St.
TLC Support Group for widows/widowers, Powles Funeral Home, 913 W. Main St, Rockwell. 704-279-7241.
Third Thursday, June 21
Kannapolis Farmers Market, 4-7 pm, corner of Vance and Dale Earnhardt. until Sept. 29
Technical Review Cttee for City of Salisbury, 9 am, Plaza seminar room, 100 W. Innes St.
Civitan Club of Salisbury, noon-1:30 pm, Country Club of Salisbury, Club Drive.
People Growing Together Toastmasters, 5:45 pm, J.F. Hurley YMCA, 828 Jake Alexander Blvd W., 828-310-8491,
Rowan Republican Women, 6 pm, Hendrix BBQ, 1624 W. Innes St. Info 704-856-6403.
Human Relations Council, 6 pm, City Hall Council Chambers, 217 S. Main St,
Andrew Jackson Masonic Lodge Stated Communications, 6 pm dinner, 7 pm meeting.
Downtown Kannapolis business meeting, 6:30 pm, Rotary Hall, 211 West Ave. email
Carolina Artists, 6:30 pm, 1120 S Martin Luther King Jr. Ave, 704-633-2852, Genevieve Martin, pres.
Eureka Lodge 45, 7 pm, 1433 Old Wilkesboro Road. 704-636-3267 or 7040-798-2032.
VFW Post 8989, 7 pm, 2500 N. Cannon Blvd, Kannapolis, Commander Mike Golembiowski, 704-933-6186.
Fourth Friday, June 22
China Grove Farmers Market, 4-6 pm, China Grove Roller Mill. 308 N. Main St.
Fourth Saturday, June 23
Salisbury Farmer’s Market, 8 a.m.-noon. 520 S. Main St.
Lexington Farmers Market, 8 a.m.-1 pm, Saturdays: 129 S. Railroad St.
Toastmasters, Goldmine, 8:30 am, Connect Christian Church, 3101 Davidson Hwy, Concord. Matthew Charity, 704-307-8187,
R A Clement Association, 9 am, R. A. Clement Rosenwald School old bldg, Cleveland.
West Rowan Neighborhood Center Advisory Council, 10 am, R. A. Clement Rosenwald School old bldg, Cleveland.
Historic J.C. Price High School National Alumni Assoc celebrates 32 years. Alumni meeting 11 a.m., Livingstone College School of Culinary Art and Hospitality Center. Info: Carolyn Williams, 704-633-7162.
• Listings based on last best information received. Confirm before attending.
• See for more listings.