Delta Sigma Theta alumnae observe Founder’s Day

Published 12:00 am Sunday, February 4, 2018

The Salisbury Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority recently celebrated Founder’s Day. Founded in 1913 in Washington, D.C., Delta has a membership of more than 300,000 college educated women world-wide.

Founder’s Day is a time to honor those ladies who used their collective strength to promote academic excellence, provide scholarships, participate in public policy and provide community service to the local community and throughout the world.

The Salisbury Chapter gathered at Gethsemane Baptist Church to reflect on our mission as a non-profit organization and to continue to ensure our voices are heard. Committee members were Carolyn Anderson, Linda Stoner, Dora Wood, Francella Trueblood, Cassandra Brown and Victoria Thomas.

The highlight of the program was the recognition of sorors who had, 5, 10, 20, and 40 years of dedicated service to the local chapter.

The program consisted of a catered luncheon, a song and dance routine by Tameka Brown, door prizes, birthdays, local “charter” members, a slide show presentation dating back 40 years until the present day, and the unveiling of the 2018 technology service project which will be open to the public.

Carolyn Anderson was chairperson of the event, and Natalie Rivers is SAC president.




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