Danelle Cutting: Plant sale a good way to keep things growing
Published 12:00 am Friday, October 2, 2015
- Cooperative Extension Blueberries are among the plants for sale through the local 4-H clubs.
When I was growing up, I used to spend time with my grandparents throughout the year and I tell you, it was some of the best times.
I attribute a portion of helping me choose what I do today to my grandparents’ and my mother’s passion for growing their own fruits and vegetables. There are many memories of picking muscadines, eating figs till my tongue hurt and hunting long forgotten blueberry plants in a forest.
I don’t do those things as much anymore. I am not saying that I don’t enjoy a plant hunting expedition every now and then, but I am much wiser when it comes to eating till my tongue hurts or my belly aches.
I am sharing this with you because every time the 4-H plant sale comes around it always makes me nostalgic and I think back to all the days of my youth growing up and getting to experience the activities in a garden and in my very own back yard.
It used to be that every home had at least a half a dozen fruit trees, muscadines and blackberries.
Unfortunately, now those sites are becoming few and far between. But if you are like me and enjoy getting your own fruits, I would highly recommend helping out the 4-H plant sale. All of the proceeds help the youth go to camp, provide scholarships and help teach youth new skills. The great thing is all of the plants do well in our area.
For the fall plant sale, 4-H is focusing on raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, figs and muscadines. Plants are only $10 for a gallon container and if you buy five or more of the same plant, they are $9 each.
As always, I recommend getting a soil sample before you plant and you would need to do that soon because all of the orders are due Oct. 15, but the pick-up will happen on Thursday, Oct. 22. It is also a good time to take a soil sample as they are free until the end of November. Fall is also the best time to plant your fruit plants, so I can’t recommend using this plant sale enough.
So, if you are looking for a project to do with the kids, grandkids, or just to have some for yourself, I would recommend helping our 4-H youth by buying some of their fruit plants.
If you would like more information on growing your own fruits, or you would like to buy some plants from the 4-H plant sale, please call your local agent, Danelle Cutting, or the Extension Office at 704-216-8970 or visit this website to see the varieties available for purchase: go.ncsu.edu/fallplantsale