Local Bridge by Myrnie McLaughlin: Another Bargain

Published 12:00 am Sunday, November 23, 2014

At this time of year or anytime if you can get a two for one bargain why wouldn’t you take it?  We reviewed the Michael’s bid and now review the other. The Unusual 2NT bid is another way to convey to your partner 2 suits with one bid keeping the bidding low, giving players more room to further describe their hand. If RHO bids and you then bid 2NT, an artificial bid, saying partner I have 2 five card suits and they are the other 2 lowest of the unbid suits.  Examples: If RHO names a major suit, 2NT says I have both minors. If RHO says a minor suit then 2NT means I have the other minor suit and hearts. Many of the conventions aren’t often applicable but they are so useful when they are.

We continue to have a growing turnout for our Friday Evergreen game. Winning N/S: First, Gloria Bryant and Wayne Pegram; second, Marie Pugh and Ruth Bowles; third, Patty King and Loyd Hill.

Winning E/W: First, Maggie Canup and Stella Shadroui; second, Judy Hurder and Pat Macon; third,  John and Myrnie McLaughlin. Overall winnersL first, Maggie Canup and Stella Sadroui; second, Gloria Bryant and Wayne Pegram; third, Marie Pugh and Ruth Bowles; fourth, Judy Hurder and Pat Macon; fifth, John and Myrnie McLaughlin and sixth, Jan Glover and Andra Cozart.

Featured is board # 19     E/W vulnerable     South Dealer


S  Q 8 4 3

9 5 3 2

D  K 8

9 5 3


S  A J 6 5               S  K T 9 7 2

H  Q J 9 4            H——–

D  Q 4                    D  T 7 5 3

Q 7 4                  A K T 6


S ——-

H  A K T 8 6

D  A J 9 6 2

C  J 8 2


Wayne and Gloria had the best N/S score bidding and making 4HS* while Judy and Pat had the best E/W score defeating 5HS* 2 tricks.

Tuesday at the Women’s Club winners were: first, John and Myrnie McLaughlin,; second, Gloria Bryant and Wayne Pegram.

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