What is your project? God needs us to be beacon of love and hope

Published 12:00 am Saturday, May 31, 2014

Last week, the seniors at our school had to present their senior projects to community members. I sat in the back of one of the rooms and kept the time for my group. We had six students present to our community members. They have to do a presentation that lasts between five and ten minutes about a topic that they have researched and then do some hands-on connection with someone who works in that profession.
I think that part of the idea behind the senior project is to allow a student to research something of personal interest, either as a hobby or possibly a career. The other night we had some of both. One of the students did a presentation on various ways of doing manicures. We asked her if she planned to pursue this as a career and she said no. She had other career interests and said that maybe she would pursue it as a sideline.
One of the students did his project on plumbing but said his career interest was in welding. I reminded him that there were some similarities between the two careers and not to discount plumbing too quickly. One of the students was nervous about presenting his project on the medical field, but he did well and successfully completed it. One of the young ladies that presented also did research on the medical field and she wants to pursue a career in that area.
Two of the students that presented were artistic. One of the students did photography while the other one had done some painting. The photography student learned that there is a difference between taking a picture and taking a photograph. There are all the artistic elements that have to be taken into consideration when one is doing photography. The other student painted several murals, including one at school. Her project was to teach another student how to do them. She said it was difficult to teach what she just knew how to do. She did a good job teaching because it was difficult to tell which side of the mural she had painted and which side the student she was teaching had painted.
I believe part of the senior project is about self-discovery. That is something we all should spend time doing, especially in a spiritual sense. People want to know, why did God make me? What is my purpose in life? The Bible is absolutely clear why God made mankind. He wanted fellowship with us. He wants to get to know each one of us and wants us to get to know him. God doesn’t need our fellowship because he has all the angels. He simply desires fellowship with us.
The next step is to understand our purpose. In my mind, if God made us for fellowship then our purpose is to be in fellowship with God. Our job, our reason for being alive, is to get to know and be known by God. Be careful, God doesn’t want us full of head knowledge about him, but to be in a personal and intimate relationship with him.
I know people will ask the question: then what does God want me to do? God created you with unique talents and abilities and he wants you to use those abilities for good here on earth. Some may wonder; does God want me to go on a mission trip? The truth is we are all called to the mission field; some will travel long distances while others need only go next door. There are always opportunities to share God’s love with people.
God needs good people in every profession to be a light to those who work in that profession. I would like my doctor to say a prayer before he operates. Wouldn’t it be great to have a construction worker interceding for the homeowner while he builds the house? Wouldn’t it be great if our politicians prayed before voting for a bill? We need godly people in the classrooms, in the fire and rescue squads, in law enforcement, guarding our nation in the military, and in whatever profession you find yourself in.
I want to encourage you to stop and consider the fact that you are a light wherever God has you right now. He needs you to be a good example in this world. He needs you to be a beacon of love and hope in the dark places. What is your purpose? You are called to love God with all your heart and to be his witness to the world around you. He needs you and will use you if you make yourself available to him.

Doug Creamer teaches Marketing at East Davidson High School. His website is located at www.dougcreamer.com Contact him at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041 or email doug@dougcreamer.com