Letters to the editor – Friday (10-7-11)
Published 12:00 am Friday, October 7, 2011
Jobs bill could help American workers
The American Jobs Act would create jobs and help get the economy moving right now.
It’s based on the basic American values that responsibility is rewarded, hard work pays, and everyone — from Wall Street to Main Street — should play by the same rules.
The Jobs Act is fully paid for under President Obama’s deficit-reduction plan. As soon as Congress passes it, businesses will be able to hire more workers and middle-class families will be able to keep more of what they earn.
Although it includes measures that both Democrats and Republicans have long supported, House Republicans are refusing to consider it.
In fact, House Republican majority leader Eric Cantor is saying he won’t even let the jobs bill come up for a vote in the House of Representatives.There is no excuse for Congress not to pass it right away.
The Jobs Act:
• Includes new tax cuts to help America’s small businesses hire, invest, and grow.
• Cuts the payroll tax in half for employers, temporarily eliminates payroll taxes on wages for new workers, and includes measures to help entrepreneurs and small businesses.
• Includes tax credits to support businesses that hire veterans.
• Invests $35 billion to prevent the layoffs of up to 280,000 teachers, support the hiring of tens of thousands more, and keep cops and firefighters on the job.
• Invests in tens of thousands of schools and in rebuilding our rails, roads, bridges, and airports, improving our infrastructure while putting workers back on the job sooner.
• Extends the payroll tax cut passed last December, cutting workers’ payroll taxes in half next year and putting an additional $1,500 in the pocket of every American worker and family.
Please let your legislators know that you want to save the American working families.
— Mona Borkowski
Bad bill on jobs
Please help the American public push back the bad jobs bill the president is pushing for Congress to pass. Maybe then the president will stop flying Air Force One all over the country burning through our cash just to run his re-election bid.
— David Richbourg
New London
Such perfection
Thank you so much, James Huyck (Oct. 5, letter), for expressing so well what I felt after reading Donald Schumacher’s My Turn column. Humility was lacking from his description of the Tea Party members and all I could think was, “Is this letter a request for a place in heaven?” With such perfection what else could you wish for?
— Annick Nurisso