Drake column: Final 4-H horse show Oct. 15
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, September 14, 2011
SALISBURY — Rowan Advisory Council for Equestrian (RACE) 4-H clubs will host the final open horse show of the season on Saturday, Oct. 15, at Ellis Park Event Center, 2056 E. Ridge Road. This show is open to all equestrians and spectators. Gates will open at 8 a.m. with the show beginning promptly at 9 a.m.
Entry fees are $5 per class or $45 for 10 or more classes. Current negative Coggins is required for each horse on the grounds. Admission for spectators is free and food and drink concessions will be available.
There are 58 classes which include English, Western, Gaited, games, trail and a costume class. Classes are open to novice riders who are in their first year of showing (with fewer than 5 ribbons), junior (ages 12 years and younger), senior (ages 13-18) and adult (ages over 18). Daily champion and reserve champion are awarded in each of the three divisions (English, Western and Gaited). The show will begin with English classes at 9 a.m. and the Western and Gaited classes will begin at approximately noon.
All riders under 18 years of age will be required to properly wear protective headgear that meets or surpasses American Society for Testing and Materials/Safety Equipment Institute standards while mounted. It is the responsibility of the rider and the parent or guardian of the rider to confirm that the headgear worn by the rider complies with safety standards set forth above; is properly fitted, fastened and worn; and is in such a condition that it would protect the rider in the case of an accident.
The 4-H Horse Program and the show committee, officials, judges, extension personnel and volunteers associated with the 4-H Horse Program are not responsible for checking headgear worn by riders for compliance with this rule.
For official rules, a class list and entry form or more information, go online at http://race4-h.blogspot.com or contact the Extension Office at 704-216-8970.
The 4-H horse program encourages youth to develop leadership abilities, build character and assume citizenship responsibilities. Appreciation is also developed for horseback riding as a healthy form of recreation. Good sportsmanship is taught through a friendly, competitive atmosphere.
Sara Drake is the Extension Agent, 4-H Youth Development in Rowan County.