Published 12:00 am Thursday, May 19, 2011
Deadline for posters is 5 p.m.
Salisbury Seventh-day Adventist Church, 305 Rudolph Road. Saturday, 11 a.m., Meretle Wilson, ěImportance of the Resurrection.î Saturday Sabbath school, 9:45 a.m.
Seats still available for red-eye casino trip to Cherokee with Steppin’ Out Social Club June 4. Fee $40 with $10 refunded upon arrival. Money due ASAP to hold seat. Contact Helen, 704-645-1033 or Alicia, 704-212-7033 for more information.
Delta Xi Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority will meet Saturday at the Salisbury Business and Community Center, 1400 W. Bank St. at 10 a.m.
Free clothing giveaway 8 a.m.-noon, Saturday, High Rock Community Church-East Campus, 7800 Bringle Ferry Road, 704-630-0888.
First Calvary Menís Ministry workshops on handling anger and male sexuality, 10 a.m., Saturday. Topic 1: what anger does to us and those around us, what God says about it, how He wants us to handle it in our daily lives. Topic 2: male sexuality and how God can help men live according to His plan. Led by Keith Hart, open to the public. First Calvary, 400 S. Long St., the Rev. Leamon E. Brown, pastor. 704-633-2818.
The Salisbury Swing Band will perform for the Charlotte Swing Dance Club at the Thoroughbred Lounge, 4925 Rozzelles Ferry Road, Charlotte, on Saturday, at 8:30 p.m., featuring Big Band music from the í40s and í50s as well as popular dance styles of the í60s, í70s and í80s and familiar beach music selections. The band is under the direction of Dr. Steve Etters. 704-637-4476,
Descendants of Channie G. & Lillie A. Hatley will host its annual family reunion on Sunday, June 12 at 1 p.m. at Running Creek Primitive Baptist Church, Millingport Road, Locust, where namesake ancestors are buried. Services start at 11 a.m. Bring family, friends, food to share; silent auction item for treasury funds. Remembrance of Warren Linker and Betty Joe Hatley. For information contact Coy Hatley, 704-485-4291.