Church Women United news
Published 12:00 am Thursday, March 3, 2011
Church Women United meet
The Parish Hall of St. Lukeís Episcopal Church was the site of the 2011 Assembly of the Salisbury-Rowan Unit of Church Women United in NC. More than 80 persons present represened 25 local churches and nine denominations.
President Betty Jo Hardy called the assembly to order with words of appreciation for St. Lukeís hosting the assembly. A guest pastor, the Rev. Leamon Brown from First Calvary Missionary Baptist Church, was also recognized.
Hardy then ntroduced Lynn Bolick, CWU Representative of St. Lukeís, who introduced the Rev. Whayne M. Hougland Jr., rector of St. Lukeís, who gave a brief history of the church.
Gwendolyn Ellis, chaplain, gave a devotion that was followed by a hymn solo by Linda Tutterow from Milford Hills United Methodist Church,accompanied by Doris Plummer on the piano.
Guest speaker was the Honorable Susan W. Kluttz, who has served as mayor of Salisbury for 14 years. She spoke of three crises in Salisbury over the past 14 years and described the communityís willingness to work through the crises in positive ways, such as diversity training sessions, summit meetings, the Human Relations Council, thus reaching an understanding about different races, different faiths, and children and youth and the challenges they face. In the business part of the meeting, a report was given by Catherine Krider, treasurer.
Dellene Gudger, secretary, presented the Valiant Woman Award and surprised Hardy with this honor, which is part of the national CWU movement. Within the SR unit of Church Women United, she has served as Milford Hills United Methodist church representative, ecumenical celebrations chair, vice president and most recently president.
At Milford Hills UMC, Hardy was program director of Christian education and instrumental in starting the Teddy Bear Ministry, Disciple Bible Study group, the Cheer Givers and ěGodly Playî for children during Childrenís Church. She was also the first female lay leader there and has served on the church council. Hardy has just been commissioned as a Stephen minister at MHUMC. She has been a delegate to the UMC General Conference and has served on many Western NC UMC conference and jurisdictional committees.
Hardy currently serves on the Salisbury-Rowan Human Relations Council and has helped plan the Mayorís Spirit Lunches. She also is a part of The Covenant Community Connection and has organized the annual ěLetís Get Acquainted Day,î as well as the annual Interfaith Forum at our Salisbury colleges.
Jean Kennedy, immediate past president and nominating chair, presented newly-elected officers for installation and introduced Mrs. Shirley Damon, NC State CWU Unit President, who led the installation service. The gavel was passed by Hardy to incoming president Brenda Venning.
The Rev. Arthur L. Heggins gave the closing prayer.
Milford Hills United Methodist Church was the winner of the attendance banner.
The next event is the SRCWU prayer breakfast on Saturday, March 5 at Gethsemane Missionary Baptist Church.