District Court Nov. 18
Published 12:00 am Friday, December 12, 2008
District Court
Abbreviation Key
CAAFóCourt-appointed attorney fee
CSWóCommunity service work
DCóDismissed by the court
EHAóElectronic house arrest
JAóJudgment arrested
LDPóLimited driving privilege
NAóNotice of appeal
NGóNot guilty
NRóNot responsible
PJC/CóPrayer for judgment continued/court costs
SAAóSubstance abuse assessment
VDóDismissal without leave by district attorney
Disposition of cases heard Nov. 18 in Rowan District Criminal Court by Judge Beth Dixon:
– Exceeding safe speed ó Lori Michelle Adams, $35 fine, court costs, also expired/no inspection sticker and expired registration card/tag, VD in both cases.
– Careless and reckless ó Christopher D. Alley, also driver failure to wear seat belt, $125 fine, court costs, also unsafe lane change, VD.
– Failure to reduce speed ó Samantha N. Anderson, also license not in possession, VD.
– Assault with a deadly weapon- Grady Edward J. Austin, also assault inflicting serious injury, DC in both cases.
– Drive left of centeró Samuel Jay Bailey, VD.
– Possession of drug paraphernalia ó Thomas James Bailey, 10 days sentenced, credit 10 days served, evidence to be destroyed, also possession of up to 1/2 ounce of marijuana, VD.
– Resisting public officeró Ronald Brown Beaver, also exceeding safe speed, also expired/no inspection sticker, VD in all three cases.
– Unsafe movement ó Michelle Pear Bennett, Donald Gregory Koon, Jvonne Leung Starr, VD.
– Speeding ó Javier Chavez Castro, Linda Walker Ellis, Lawrence Edward Hayes, Brent John Lawson, Ricky Lee McCulloh, Ethan Lamarr Pierce, PJC/C; Samuel Christopher Coles, $15 fine, court costs, also no operators license, VD; Darryl N. Cummings, $15 fine, court costs, also expired registration card/tag, VD; Jeremy P. Harrington, $150 fine, court costs, also reckless driving to endanger, VD; Marvin Omar Hernandez, Erica Nicole Mitchell, Mari-Jana Oboroceanu, Deontate A. Phillips, $15 fine, court costs; Tonya Kaye Lewis, PJC/C, also expired/ no inspection sticker, VD; Destiny Latrell Wood, $30 fine, court costs, also no operators license, VD.
– Failure to stop at stop sign/ flashing red light ó Autumn Moose Cook, PJC/C, also expired registration card/tag, also expired/no inspection sticker, VD; Cathleen M. Richards, NG; Joshua David Rumple, also failure to comply with license restrictions, VD.
– Inhale toxic vapors ó Robert Earl Corum, NG.
– Driving while impaired ó George Anthony Cox, 60 days, suspended 1 year, $100 fine, court costs, SAA, 24 hour CSW, also failure to yield stop sign/flashing red light, VD; John Randall Williams, 12 months, suspended, 36 months probation, 21 days special probation, $1000 fine, court costs, SAA, also driving without two head lamps, also possessing fictitious/ cancelled/revoked registration card/tag, also operating a vehicle with no insurance, also failure to comply with license restrictions, VD in all four cases, also transporting open container after consuming alcohol, JA.
– Failure to yield sign/flashing red light ó James Grady Dennis Jr., also expired/no inspection sticker, VD; Anthony J. Prather, VD.
– Failure to reduce speed ó Charles Joseph Gainor, Travis Lynn Gobble, Tim Lee Williams, VD.
– Expired/no inspection sticker ó Isha Gantt, $25 fine, court costs, also operating vehicle with no insurance, VD.
– Simple assault ó Thomas E. Gardner, Carrie Ann Gaylor, DC.
– Shoplifting concealment of goods ó Darron Hugh Hamby, 20 days at expiration of prior sentence.
– Improper equipment ó William Michael Janis, , $50 fine, court costs; Torrell Dupree Massey, $50 fine, court costs, also driving while license revoked, also possessing/ displaying altered/ fictitious/revoked drivers license, VD in both cases.
– Expired registration card/tag ó Thomas Joseph Lettice, VD.
– Failure to yield left turn ó Jarrod Heath McKinney, Anne C. Musselman, VD.
– Driving while license revoked ó Shaun Michael Roby, also reckless driving to endanger, also failure to report an accident, also display another’s license as own, resisting a public officer, 120 days
concurrent with any existing sentence; Darron Hamby, two charges, also simple affray,120 day sentence activated, also driving left of center, VD.
– Reckless driving to endanger ó Gene Clifton Wallace, DC.
– Leash law violation ó Ricky Glenn Wallace- PJC/C.
– Misdemeanor larceny ó Rashedia M. Woodbury, 45 days, NA.