District Court June 10
Published 12:00 am Friday, June 13, 2008
District Court
Abbreviation Key
CAAFóCourt-appointed attorney fee.
CSWóCommunity service work.
NAóNotice of appeal.
PJC/CóPrayer for judgment continued/court costs.
VDóDismissal without leave by district attorney.
Disposition of cases heard June 10 in Rowan District Probation Violations and Worthless Checks Court by Judge Charlie Brown:
– Misdemeanor probation violation ó Barbara Aistrop, probation terminated successfully; John Michael Brindle, Bobby Estes, 15-day sentence activated; Terry Darnell Bruce, two charges, probation extended six months; Charles T. Campbell, probation extended six months; Tony Chambers, probation dismissed; Jasmine M. Connor, Donnichee A. Mason, Daniel Lynn Rea, 30-day sentence activated; Alisha Dawn Dailey, 45-day sentence activated; Deryk D. Davis, probation extended eight months; Terry Wayne Garmon, four charges, two 12-month, 150-day and 120-day sentences activated; Christopher L. Gilbeau, William Demarcus Lewis, probation terminated unsuccessfully; Corbett A. Henderson, continue under former order, CAAF; Aaron T. Mantlo, two charges, 150-day and 15-day sentences activated, CAAF a condition of work/early release; Donnie Leon Nunn, Yolanda Nunn, 75-day sentence activated, NA; Ashley Rose Parham, 45-day sentence activated, NA; Michael H. Privette, probation to be terminated upon payment; Dianne Celeste Sanders, 45-day sentence activated, CAAF a condition of work/early release, NA; Angela L. Wooldridge, probation terminated.
– Simple worthless check ó Carla C. Alexander, three charges, 30 days, suspended 12 months, $50 fine, court cost; Shameka Clodfelter, nine charges, 45 days in one case, suspended, 18 months probation, $50 fine, court cost, restitution, CAAF, 45 days in other eight cases at expiration of first sentence, 24 hours CSW, same terms/conditions; Sherry L. Shaw, five charges, 45 days, suspended, 18 months probation, $50 fine, court cost, CAAF, restitution, 24 hours CSW.
– Receiving stolen goods/property ó Ryan Lloyd Blake, PJC/C.
– Driving while license revoked ó James Eugene Carpenter, PJC/C; Gregory Thomas Headen, two charges, PJC/C in both cases, also two charges possessing/displaying fictitious, cancelled, revoked registration card/tag, VD in both cases.
– Public disturbance ó Shavonna Annis Casey, 45 days, suspended, 12 months probation, court cost, 24 hours CSW, NA; Philip Maltese, 45 days, suspended, 12 months probation, court cost, 24 hours CSW; Tyisha Mariah Peck, PJC/C.
– Simple assault ó Taylor A. Daniel, PJC/C.
– Simple affray ó Cordell Domon Davis, PJC/C.
– Misdemeanor probation violation out-of-county ó Stacey Marie Dixon, 45-day sentence activated.
– Selling/distributing tobacco product to minor ó Angela Dawn Harris, PJC/C.
– Failure to return rental property ó Gustavus A. Little, 120 days, suspended, 18 months probation, $50 fine, court cost, restitution, 24 hours CSW, transfer to Stanly County.