Extension services offer advice
Published 12:00 am Friday, February 2, 2007
Extension agents take time in January to plan upcoming educational events. There are a number of educational programs sponsored by Cooperative Extension that may be of interest for both consumer and commercial horticulture. Some are still in the planning stages. Below is a list of educational programs:
* Thursday — Salisbury-Rowan Farmer’s Market meeting, 7 p.m. at the Agricultural Center on Old Concord Road in Salisbury.
Amy-Lynn Albertson, Extension horticulture agent in Davidson County, will present information on the successes of the new farmer’s market in Davidson County. Also, information concerning the upcoming 2007 Salisbury-Rowan Farmer’s Market season will be discussed. The meeting is free and open to the general public, including those who would like to participate in the Salisbury-Rowan Farmer’s Market.
* Friday — Commercial Turf Workshop, 9 to 11:30 a.m. at the Agricultural Center on Old Concord Road in Salisbury.
Two pesticide recertification credits have been approved in the following subclasses: L (Ornamental and Turf), N (Demonstration and Research), D (Dealer) and X (private pesticide applicators). There is a $5 per person fee for material costs and refreshments.
* Feb. 15 — Aquatic/Pond Weed Workshop, 10 a.m. at the Agricultural Center on Old Concord Road in Salisbury.
Dr. Rob Richardson, Extension weed specialist from N.C. State University, will be presenting the information on aquatic weed control in farm ponds and lakes. Aquatic weeds are an increasing problem for those with ponds and lakes. This is the first educational class of this type in Rowan County. Proper control methods are essential to protect fish, wildlife and the environment. One hour pesticide recertification credit has been approved for the following subclasses: A (Aquatic), N (Demonstration and Research), D (Dealer) and X (private pesticide applicators). There is a $5 per person fee for material costs and refreshments.
* March 7 — Urban Animal Control/Wildlife Workshop, 1-3 p.m. at the Agricultural Center on Old Concord Road in Salisbury.
Jonathan Shaw, wildlife biologist with the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission will present information that will help us coexistence with wildlife. Shaw will provide information on many of the problems encountered with wildlife around homes and farms and possible solutions.
* March TBA — Crape Myrtle Pruning Demonstration and Workshop, date and time still in planning stages. Hands-on workshop for those who would like to learn about methods of pruning trees focusing on crape myrtles and other small trees.
* 4-H Spring Plant Sale– Rowan County 4-H is now taking orders for Sweet Charlie strawberries, Premier and Tifblue blueberries, Apache and Arapaho blackberries, Dorman red raspberries and Brown Turkey and Celeste figs.
The cost for blueberries, blackberries and raspberries is $8 each or $7 if five or more of the same plants are ordered. Figs are $15 each. If you would like to help support the Rowan County 4-H program, please call the Extension Office at 704-216-8970 to place your order today. Orders must be received by March 2.
Contact Cooperative Extension at 704-216-8970 or e-mail darrell_blackwelder@ncsu.edu for more information about these classes or other events sponsored by Cooperative Extension in Rowan County.
Darrell Blackwelder is an agricultural agent in charge of horticulture with the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service in Rowan County. For archived garden columns or other information, visit the Rowan County Master Gardener web site at www.rowanmastergardener.com , e-mail Darrell_Blackwelder@ncsu.edu.