Letters to the editor – Thursday (2-9-2012)

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Administration’s actions based on perception, not reality

Politics today is driven more by perception than by the conviction of our forefathers’ ideas. But this is not the first time politicians have worried more about how things appear than about the actual effect of their actions.  It’s sort of like holding up a wet finger to see which way the wind is blowing. 
Clinton worried more about appearance than the effect of his actions. His presidency was driven by the constant polling being taken by the media, and his actions were based on what the people were thinking, not what right action would dictate.
Today, we see actions of President Obama based upon appearance rather than doing the right thing. Unfortunately, Obama’s perception of government is based upon his idea of social justice and sharing the wealth. His perception and concerns are articulated quite well when floating his lofty ideals from the teleprompter.
  His perceived class warfare against the wealthy serves only to further divide an already hurting economy. Much of the dysfunction in the economy can be traced to government intervention in the business community. In other words, government ain’t helping the situation but hurting it; even though the intention may have been noble and lofty, it is misguided and so out of touch.
 Have we heard from Obama about cutting government spending? No, just more spending called investment and spending you are not even aware of. 
Securing the borders? No, only about a comprehensive immigration policy; in other words amnesty for illegals. 
For Obama and the creation of jobs, the only way is by working hand in hand with government. For our every problem, Obama believes government intervention is the only solution. 
Many believe as I do that government is the problem, not the solution. We have seen throughout history that a government-run economy does not work and is doomed to failure. 
When will they learn to govern and stop interfering in a free trade society? 
Sadly, they will not and the only solution will be new faces in Washington.  I’m ready, how about you?
— Richard Roberts