Published 12:00 am Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Liberal response to change is predictable, unfounded
Donald Schumacher’s letter (Aug. 12) bashing conservatives and Republicans was comical, and I relish a Monday morning laugh immensely. Donald started out by degrading the Republicans for trying to balance the budget. Sounds reasonable, since a liberal never met a balanced budget he didn’t despise. He seems distraught that beautiful, intelligent, progressive (AKA socialist) states like New York — run by buffoons like Cuomo and Bloomberg — will look down their noses at we redneck yokels for employing a modicum of common sense within our legislative halls. Reining in excessive spending in education and lowering tax rates for the job creators in North Carolina seem to be major points of irritation with liberals.
Then Donald started screaming about our new voter laws. He states that the old “voting laws were fine.” He’s right, they were, prior to this country being flooded by 12 million illegal aliens. The Democrats have sunk to encouraging illegal voting to enrich their coffers. Shameful!
Mr. Schumacher hurled some flaming barbs at the Second Amendment and law-abiding gun owners, especially concealed- carry permit holders. Castle doctrine, stand your ground, and concealed carry laws are critical to maintain life and order in today’s drug-crazed, lawless society. Even if the Rev. Al Sharpton — who screamed about Trayvon Martin while ignoring three black teenagers trying to kill a white kid on a school bus in Florida, as a black bus driver watched — disagrees.
I can only hope that if Don is ever in a restaurant where some maniac decides to murder a lot of innocent folks, he has a guardian angel with a legal gun — liberals call them “evil gun owners” — enjoying a steak next to him. I’d be willing to bet that your beloved N.Y. has room for another liberal, Don!
— Randy Biggerstaff


‘Raised here, stays here’
In reference to Jim Duncan’s previous letter to the editor concerning the upcoming United Way Campaign, I wanted to take an opportunity to thank him and all the other volunteers who are giving their time and talents over the late summer and fall to lead this campaign.
The Rowan County United Way Campaign supports 15 local agencies. The money “raised here, stays here” to support the children, older adults and families of this community. This annual campaign could not be accomplished without the support of volunteer leadership and those donors in our community who step forward each year, voluntarily, to contribute. The campaign is a perfect example of the caring that people in this community provide for others even when times are not the best for them as well.
We appreciate everyone’s efforts to support our needed services to clients here in Rowan County.
— Rick Eldridge


Eldridge is executive director of Rufty-Holmes Senior Center in Salisbury.