Catherine Costello: Take a moment

Published 12:00 am Friday, May 10, 2019

Catherine Costello

Wow! May, the month of spring flowers, celebrations and preparations… for June weddings, summer vacations and beach time. Every year we look forward to spring and the anticipation of promises fulfilled. Not that our winters are all that tough to bear, but we still need spring to renew us, like a reboot to get us back on track. And yet with all the activities of spring and summer, we seem to set aside church and all the promises of renewed life that Jesus offers.

Yes, Easter is over! It was a long journey to the cross and sometimes it was tough and heart wrenching. Christ won! Life over death! Now it is time to get back to normal, everyday things and happy things. Now is the time to add to your celebrations, life in Christ, never ending, in winter and all the storms and in summer sun. Take Christ with you! Be renewed each morning breathing in God’s spirit as you sip your coffee and smile at the beauty of the day. Lift a prayer of thanksgiving and ask God to accompany you throughout the day.

We forget these things… God time, with all the demands and distractions; maybe it’s work, or kids or the morning news. And yet a brief moment with God is essential. How would you feel if no one ever said thankyou or stopped to say I love you? What if no one ever invited you to share their day?

God time is important for you and for God. Even if you are sitting at the beach … what an awesome place to see God’s work… the endless sky, the power of the ocean… all the life within.

Yes, take a moment to praise God as David did in Psalm 9,
“I will praise you, LORD, with all my heart; I will tell of all the marvelous things you have done.
I will be filled with joy because of you. I will sing praises to your name, O Most High.”

I always find a sense of peace at the shore. Time takes on a different pace, slowing down. The gulls are a source of amusement … I used to bring them bread. Do people still to that? I would call in to my boss… “I need a mental health day. Unless there is something urgent, I’ll see you tomorrow.” The beach, the birds, the waves and wind and a good meal… better than any therapist. Time to sit awhile with God. Be still, be renewed. Somehow, such time reorders life.

What about you? How will you spend your time? What are you looking forward to? In all our anticipation it is easy to ignore church, to forget God, to be so busy in this new activity having the time of your life that you use up all your reserved energy as you play. The pace of vacation can be faster than normal and when you come home the stress of normal seems easier.

We, as Americans, are the most stressed out people. Over scheduled, demanding responsibilities, constantly accountable through our phones. And humans are very adaptable and so we adjust to crazy schedules. Why? Is it in your best interest? Are you being faithful to God? To those you love? To yourself?

All this is about is priorities. Who is first? Is that really what you want? Where is God in your schedule? Whether it is everyday time or vacation time God needs to be at the top of the day and last before you sleep. Everything in between is then in relationship to you and God.

Put God first, then be ready for the time of your life.

Spring blessings for you all: Fun, laughter, time under the sun. Life is yours, won by the Son!

Catherine Costello is pastor at Ursinus UCC, Rockwell

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