Doug Creamer: God is in Control

Published 12:00 am Saturday, May 6, 2017

            I normally write my column on Monday evenings. Last Monday was like all the rest. My day seemed completely normal except I sat at the computer and stared at a blank scene. Nothing. I prayed and still nothing. There was this little voice that said that I wouldn’t be writing a column that night. That didn’t seem right. It was Monday and I always write on Monday.
            I got up and did some things. I came back to the computer, nothing. I went outside and waited quietly for the Lord…still nothing. I came back in and typed the title; I knew that was right. No words came to me. When the struggle to find the words is that difficult, I know that someone needs a special dose of encouragement. I listened for my Father. All was quiet.
            Some things happened to pull me away from the computer…I was worried about something and distracted by something else. I got up to deal with the issues. Slowly, the truth of what I heard was becoming reality. There was not going to be a column. I came back to the computer one more time, hopeful that I could at least begin a column, but it wasn’t meant to be.
            I think there are two very important lessons here. The first is we have to learn to wait on God. None of us likes to wait. I have a deadline and other things to do on a Tuesday night. I have learned that heaven is often on a different time clock than we are here on earth. God’s plans often involve us waiting. The Bible is full of people who had to wait, sometimes for many years, to see their promises fulfilled.
            The second and probably more important lesson is that God is in control. I know that reading those words is very difficult for some of you right now. Where is God when the doctor says the word cancer? Does God know what it is like to have elderly parents who need around the clock care? Why didn’t God intervene and keep a child off drugs and alcohol? There are countless tragedies that many of you are facing and wondering if God is really in control.
            The first thing I will say is that we have an enemy out there whose job is to steal, kill, and destroy. By the evidence of all the tragedies and difficulties we are all facing, he is doing his job. I know God is looking out for us even when we are walking through dark places. If you can’t feel God or sense His presence, it doesn’t mean that He is not there with you right now.
    I believe that when life seems dark and overwhelming the reason we can’t see God is that we are hidden in His robes. God’s love for us is greater than we can begin to understand. We are His children and He will fight fiercely for each and every one of us. We have to learn to trust Him and to remain obedient.
            We live in a fallen and sometimes evil world where people make bad choices that produce even worse outcomes. Some of us have to learn how to survive a tragedy and learn to lean on His strong arms. We have to learn the hard lesson of forgiveness. We have to learn to trust God and find hope for the future. Darkness can never overcome God’s love and light.
            In the midst of troubled times others have to learn the lesson of trusting in God’s deliverance. God is still in the healing business today. God wants to show Himself strong as He fights for us to overcome our enemies. God is greater than anything that stands against us. God’s perfect peace trumps the enemy’s doubts and fears. God never forgets or leaves any of us…especially when we are walking through troubled times.
            If you feel you are going through some unbearable times, I want to encourage you with the following thoughts: God is light. God loves you. God is with you. God will never forsake you. You can put your trust and faith in God. God is strong. One angel can overcome an entire army. God is bigger than the scariest enemy that is growling at you. God’s mercy and grace can reach into the deepest pit. No living soul has gone beyond the reach of God’s love and forgiveness. God’s love can break every chain that is holding you back. Open your heart and let Him in, open your arms and let Him hold and help you.

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