Published 12:00 am Monday, July 16, 2007

Hard-won freedoms are our heritage
Regarding the July 10 letter “Religion and rights”:
This country was founded by people who greatly valued freedom. As the overbearing grip of our motherland tightened with overtaxation and unbearable regulations, as well as a government-controlled religion forced upon the people through the Church of England, so did our desire grow to be free of that control. Our Founding Fathers signed the Declaration of Independence, knowing that it could be their death sentence. Many gave up everything they had for this cause, and some even paid the ultimate sacrifice, their blood being shed in defiance of a tyrannical government that tried to rob them of their God-given freedoms. We won independence and our freedoms flourished because of people who were willing to stand up for what was right, no matter what the cost. God bless those who still do so today!
Concerning the words “In God We Trust,” soon to adorn the County Administrative Offices Building, the United States Supreme Court has depictions of Moses holding the Ten Commandments, as well as the Ten Commandments carved into the doors that open into the courtroom. In fact, Washington, D.C., and government buildings throughout our country have similar features. Why?
“It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the gospel of Jesus Christ. For this very reason, peoples of other faiths have been afforded asylum, prosperity, and freedom of worship here.” ó Patrick Henry, Founding Father.
It is our heritage, and it is very important to preserve that heritage. It is not about making our public buildings a bulletin board for every belief that someone may hold; it is about remembering what, or I should say Who, our country and laws are founded upon!
ó Frank Carpenter
The law’s the law
I, too, agree with Rene Flynn’s statements about speeders. It is definitely a problem.
However, I would like to draw attention to one of her statements. She mentioned she tries to stay within 5 miles per hour of the speed limit. She is still speeding. A limit is a limit. It means “do not pass this mark.” She is guilty of her own criticisms. She may think, “Well, it’s only 5 miles per hour. It’s not much.” What do you think the other drivers are thinking about their speeds?
ó Elsie Kluttz
Clothing arguments
There has been so much debate lately over school uniforms.
FYI, I’m a teacher at one of those middle schools and there is a difference in student behavior. If you compare the days when students are in uniforms to the days that students are not in uniforms, there’s a big difference. When students are not in uniforms, you’ll notice that the hallways and cafeteria are louder. They’re checking out what their friends are wearing and making comments about it, whether it’s in the classroom or as they’re walking down the halls. The students have a bit less focus and seem to forget how things work because they are casual. I’ve had some students who would state that they didn’t have to follow the rules that day and discovered quickly that it wasn’t the case. Sure, you can tell some differences in economic class either way. However, it’s not as big of a difference while in uniform as it would be while not in uniform. Also, when wearing uniforms you don’t have to get up in the morning and figure out what to wear that day, which means you have a little more time to sleep!
And regarding money, there are plenty of places to shop to get clothes, such as Magic Mart, Family Dollar, Goodwill and Salvation Army. There’s no need to get an expensive pair of pants for your child unless you find a great sale. If you ask my students, they’ll tell you that I openly state that I shop at thrift stores. There’s nothing wrong with that. Just tell your child you can’t afford to spend $20 on one pair of pants for him/her to ruin on the playground.
Believe me, I’m a teacher! You do what you have to do to make it work!
ó Pamela Konwinski