Letters the editor – Saturday – 6-4-16

Published 12:00 am Saturday, June 4, 2016

Thanks for success  of Scrabble Scramble

The Rowan County Literacy Council, a United Way agency, held its 14th annual Scrabble Scramble fundraiser recently. On behalf of the board of the council, I am writing to thank everyone who assisted with and participated in this event, which raised funds to support the council’s mission of assisting adults as they work to improve their reading and writing skills.

Our thanks to our presenting sponsor, Trinity Oaks, and table sponsors Catawba College, Friends of Rowan Public Library, Gerry Wood, Ting Hao, and the South Rowan Service Club.

We also want to thank the many businesses who donated prizes for our raffle that evening and the individuals who sent donations to support the event.

We had seven tables of folks who enjoyed the evening of friendly, fun  and competitive team Scrabble. We appreciate their participation as well as the dedicated work of the officials and volunteers, which was an essential part of bringing the event together.

David Whisenant of WBTV once again served as our master of ceremonies. As usual, his witty narrative kept everyone informed as well as entertained.

We thank the United Way for their continued support as the Literacy Council and its dedicated volunteer tutors continue their one-on-one work with adults. We also thank everyone who helped make the Scrabble Scramble successful.

— Melody Moxley

President, Rowan County Literacy Council

Read the Bible

On May 23, I noticed the headlines on the front page of the Salisbury Post, “Boycott over LGBT.”

In the King James Version Bible Book of Genesis, read the 19th chapter and the 24th verse.

In the Catholic Answer Bible Book of Genesis, read the same verse.

Practicing homosexuality is a sin.

It would be even better to read all of the 18th and 19th chapters of Genesis.

— Carolyn Osian
