Letter: Assure residents they'll get good care

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Regarding Piedmont Behavioral Health Care’s decision to terminate the contract of Rowan Homes:

In reading this article, especially the flurry of quotes from upset group home residents, one would think a great misfortune had befallen Rowan Homes, but I would say “let nothing you dismay,” for nothing really terrible is happening here.

As a former group home manager, I know that the residents can be easily emotionally swayed and upset whenever there are changes in staff, including directors, but they do adjust. Perhaps they’ve been led to believe that the end of Rowan Homes will be the end of life as they know it, but I am sure that whichever agency the residents and their families choose to take over this organization will do its best to make it a smooth transition for the residents. The only thing that’s “unethical and morally wrong” here is dragging the group home residents off to meetings at Rowan Homes and with Piedmont Behavioral to involve them in organizational politics of which they have little or no comprehension. Yes, they have client rights to know what’s going on. But how about offering them some “comfort and joy” that their current home managers will continue to provide them the same level of care to which they are accustomed; that the new agency will see that their needs are met; that their families will continue to be involved and supportive?

Ultimately, the only one affected here is the director who is out of a job. We’ve seen so many plant closings at this time of year, so many people left jobless right before Christmas, that’s the kind of news that is upsetting — not this!

— Cynthia McNeil
