Ann Farabee: Law enforcement

Published 12:00 am Saturday, June 8, 2024

By Ann Farabee

To be honest, after typing those words — Law Enforcement — I just sat still and mourned.

While glued to the news on television recently, I heard the voice of a police officer.

He was in mourning.

My tears rolled down my cheeks and onto my lap. I was mourning with him.

Law enforcement officers were just doing their jobs. They were trying to keep us safe. By trying to keep us safe that day, they lost their lives.

The local news referred to it as a deadly ambush. Four police officers lost their lives. One of those who lost his life was the brother-in-law of a friend of mine.

What a nightmare! What pain they still suffer!

They knew that he knew that every time he left home to go to work — there was a chance it would be the last time they may see their loved one.

Devastating. Heartbreaking. Tragic.

That does not sound like the America we all love.

I am struggling with it.

I do not have a law enforcement officer in my family, but I sure do have law enforcement officers and their families in my heart. I am grieving for them.

My entire life — my respect, appreciation and love for those in law enforcement — has never wavered. We were all taught at an early age that we could trust a law enforcement officer. As an elementary school teacher, I often said, “The policeman is your friend.” No matter where the officer was — at my school, in the courtroom, on the streets or at my front door — there was always trust.

Just to be sure they felt that trust, most years a police officer would visit my classroom so they could tell the students about their career in law enforcement and to let them know they were there to help — no matter the need. My students and I called them community helpers — and community heroes.

The most ironic part of the recent tragedy involving an officer being shot to death is  that the same officers that died would also have died for the ones who took their lives.

Law enforcement is a ministry of service for which I am thankful!

Each and every day, an officer goes to work knowing that their job is dangerous, but they are still willing to do it. They want to do it. It is their calling — their career of choice.

I am sure there are days that law enforcement officers may not feel appreciated — but without your willingness to sacrifice a safe job to serve in a job that is not always safe — those of us you serve would not be safe.

Thank you to our law enforcement officers! May God bless each of you!

Ann Farabee is a teacher, writer and speaker. Contact her at or

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