Police investigating attempted armed robbery at tobacco shop

Published 12:00 am Friday, May 24, 2024

SALISBURY — Police are investigating after they said that a man attempted to rob a tobacco store at gunpoint before fleeing when the store clerk pulled out a handgun of their own.

The incident began at approximately 12:53 p.m. on Wednesday, when a man wearing a black hoodie and a black mask entered the EZ Pass Tobacco and Vape shop, located at 2210 S. Main St., said Major Justin Crews, public information officer for the Salisbury Police Department. The man allegedly went into a back aisle before coming back to the counter and attempting to pay for an item with a $10 bill.

After bringing out the cash, the man also pulled out a handgun and pointed it at the store clerk, said Crews. The man then allegedly attempted to reach over the counter and grab at the cash register but was unable to reach it.

While the man was preoccupied with attempting to grab the register, the store clerk ducked behind the counter before pulling out his own handgun and pointing it at the man attempting to rob him, said Crews.

The clerk told officers that he chose not to shoot the man because he “felt bad for him,” according to Crews. The man then allegedly ran out of the store. Officers reportedly responded to the store and attempted to track the man with K-9 units, but were unable to successfully locate him. Crews said that officers viewed camera footage from the area and determined that the attempted robber had fled in a vehicle.