Salisbury Academy celebrates first full year of its new 3K program

Published 12:00 am Thursday, May 23, 2024

Salisbury Academy News Service

SALISBURY — As another school year comes to a close, Salisbury Academy celebrates the first full year of the school’s new 3K program.

“After 30 years as a JK-8 independent school, the 2023-24 year brought wonderful and fulfilling expansions to both 3K and grades 9-12 for Salisbury Academy,” said Beverly Fowler, head of school.

Focusing specifically on the 3K students and teachers, Fowler said, “The 3K program has proven itself to be a program offering deeply caring educators, imaginative exploration and incredible growth for these youngest learners at our school.”

Salisbury Academy’s play-based curriculum in the 3K class engages children’s senses while developing healthful routines and loving relationships that teach goodness and kindness. The students’ learning follows the cycles of the natural world, connecting them with the outdoors and using students’ innate curiosity as a springboard for learning and development.

3K parent Erin DiCesare said that, as an educator herself, she is especially thankful for the experiential nature of the learning environment and the way in which children are allowed to be children in a community of growth and acceptance.

“Because of the care shown by his teachers, my son has not only grown academically, but he has grown significantly in the areas of emotional intelligence and awareness as well,” said DiCesare. 

Amber Bishop, 3K parent, shared that the quality of the teaching has been a key factor in her child’s success, specifically for the teachers’ professionalism, kindness and their authentic connections with each student.

“The teachers are loving, caring, helpful and very communicative about our daughter’s daily progress,” Bishop said. “With creative activities offered every day, my daughter has learned so much this year, all while having endless fun.”

3K parent Susan Muth echoed Bishop’s reflections on the caring and patient manner of the teachers and shared about the 3K curriculum and the impact it has had on her son.

“My son has studied nature, science, math, the alphabet and enjoyed daily arts and crafts, all while developing a love of reading,” Muth said. “He has transformed from a shy, new student to an outgoing, confident four-year-old.”

Katie Martin, lead teacher for the 3K program and currently in her 10th year with Salisbury Academy, smiles when asked about the first year of 3K.

“It’s been a true delight and deeply gratifying to support our students in their development,” Martin said. “These young learners are so bright and capable. And most importantly, they are prepared and eager for the next steps in their academic journeys.” 

Salisbury Academy is currently accepting applications for its 3K program for 2024-25. To learn more, go to or contact the school’s Director of Admission Allison Doby at