China Grove student receives Civic Local Foundation Scholarship: Andrew Lee will use award money to attend the college of his choice

Published 12:00 am Thursday, May 23, 2024

Civic Local Foundation, made possible by funding from Civic and Local Government Federal Credit Unions (LGFCU), congratulated Andrew Lee of China Grove, who is the recipient of a Civic Local Foundation Scholarship Award in the amount of $5,000. 

Lee will use the Scholarship Award to further their education at the college of their choice. This scholarship, awarded to only 25 students, is a testament to their academic prowess and commitment to their communities. It will support education expenses, paving the way for a successful educational journey.

According to Lee, “This scholarship money will be a tremendous aid in paying my tuition for college. This will lessen the financial burden that college is. I am very appreciative for receiving this scholarship award.”

The Civic Local Foundation Scholarship is not just a recognition of a student’s high achievement in academic and extracurricular activities, but also a testament to the foundation’s commitment to positively impacting communities across North Carolina. By awarding scholarships, the foundation is investing in the future of our communities. Since its establishment, the foundation has awarded nearly $3 million in scholarship funding, supporting professional development and higher education.

“It is an honor and a pleasure to reward these students who, through hard work, have excelled in academics and community involvement, aligning with our value of service to others,” said Jazmine Kilpatrick, senior vice president of impact at LGFCU and Civic. “An investment in these young individuals will benefit our communities for years to come. We congratulate each student and wish them continued success in their academic pursuits and beyond.”