Doug Creamer: Growing season

Published 12:00 am Saturday, May 4, 2024

By Doug Creamer

I recently had the opportunity to help my mother get her garden planted. At her age, she has a hard time getting back up once she is kneeling. My brother took her shopping for “a few” vegetables. She wasn’t planning to do much this year. I lost count of how many tomato plants I put out. She also has peppers, squash and cucumbers. She loves to grow things.

I had a great feeling inside while driving home that evening. The closer I got to home, the more this little thought started to whirl around in my mind. “Well, your Mom has her garden in and you don’t have anything in the ground yet.” The thought was spoiling my good feeling.

I had a long list of things that needed my attention on Friday, and none of them was my garden. On Saturday, I was determined to make it to the garden center to find the seeds and plants I need to get my garden going. I went to my two favorite garden centers and found most of what I need for this growing season.

I went out to the garden pretty late in the afternoon, determined I was going to get something in the ground before dark. It was unusually peaceful. The barking dogs were either in the house or asleep in the shade. There was a nice breeze blowing. The soil felt wonderful in my hands. I had tilled the soil a few weeks ago and it was in perfect condition. The first thing I put in was my tomatoes, which made me laugh because I normally plant them last. I put in some potatoes and peas and that was the end of my daylight.

I came in the house feeling good. The garden was started. I can see the tomato plants from the house. I know there is plenty more to do out there but I got things started. I picked up the remaining seeds and plants today so I have everything that I am planning to put out. It looks like I may have to dodge a few showers this weekend to get the rest of the garden in.

I am excited about the new gardening season and anxious to get it all in. My wife has called me the midnight gardener, and if that is what it takes before the rain this weekend that is what I will do. The soil is calling. I just have to find the time to get out there and do the work. There never seems to be enough time to get everything done, especially in spring and fall.

I love planting and watching things grow. Sometimes when I get home from work, I will go for a walk around the yard just to enjoy the things that are growing and blooming. I like watching the fruit, vegetables and flowers grow.

Much like watching my garden grow, I like seeing spiritual growth in my life. There are many different seasons in our spiritual journeys. I have been through a desert and hope never to return. I have been through quiet seasons where I knew I was putting down deeper roots. I have experienced seasons of fruitfulness. I can remember times that I felt like God was pruning me back. But the season I like best is the growing season. I like seeing my spiritual growth. I love when the Word teams with life on every page. Sometimes I only manage to read a couple of paragraphs during my quiet time because I am getting so much out of it.

While growth and harvesting are probably our favorite spiritual seasons, we have to realize that each season plays an important part in our spiritual growth. We need to grow deep roots so we will endure the dry seasons. We may all love the warm sunshine, but we need the refreshment that comes from the rain showers. Each season is important if we will ultimately produce fruit for His kingdom. After all, He is the master gardener and He knows what we need to produce a bountiful harvest.

I want to encourage you to enjoy the season God has you in at the moment. There are times that we need to rest in a quiet place so we will be ready for the challenges that lie just ahead. There are times for us to bud and bloom and there are times for us to enjoy a harvest. God is watching over us closely, so He will provide the optimal conditions for us to grow and produce a harvest. I think God takes great pleasure watching each of us grow.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041 or

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