Letters to the editor — April 28

Published 12:00 am Sunday, April 28, 2024

Granite Quarry after-school program increases tech skills

There are many educational courses kids can take in Salisbury. However, many of them are oriented toward expressive arts, and you can’t find any technology-related classes. But in the fall of last year, everything changed when the SIT (Students in Training) after school program opened in Granite Quarry. 

This program, unlike any other in the area, offers a unique opportunity for middle and high school students to delve into the world of technology. My name is John Tucker. I am currently a student at SIT and would like to tell you more about it.

SIT is a program specifically targeting middle and high school kids who are interested in learning more about technology. Kids have hands-on opportunities to not only learn about technology but also build and refurbish computers and learn how to design games and programming languages. These are practical skills that they can use in their future careers. 

Everyone can come and learn for four days a week from Monday to Thursday (2:30-5 p.m.) I have already built my first computer, learned how to do an online presentation of a business project, designed a logo and much more. SIT is a fun place to learn real-life skills anyone can use in the future. 

This is a non-profit program and we greatly depend on the generous donations and sponsorships of the community. Your support is crucial in ensuring that our program will still run in the fall. Student in Training will be at Arts in the Park this weekend in Granite Quarry and you can meet some of us there. Furthermore, our summer camp starts on June 10. You can learn more at our website at: www.sitorg.org

— John Tucker

Tucker is a SIT student from Salisbury.

Response to UNC System president on smart phones

Dear Peter Hans,

In response to your opinion article, “What smartphones do to our students,” as a college student I can certainly relate to this topic. As stated in your article, most college students as well as high school students are quite familiar with Tik-Tok, Snapchat, Instagram, etc. and most have accounts for these apps.

Are cell phones addictive? Yes, of course they are. In my opinion, cell phones are not always the root cause for someone’s mental health to suffer. I am lucky to attend a university that tries to help students as much as they can, other schools not so much. In the fall of 2022, there were seven students at North Carolina State University took their own life due to their mental health issues.

“A normal part of being an American college student now is that you are anxious and depressed.” I do not agree that this is only due to smartphones and technology. The rigorous course loads, broken friendships and heartbreaks can also take a huge toll on a student’s mental health. There is also increasing pressure from parents who encourage their son or daughter to declare a major that upon graduation is going to be a great career. This can be stressful because students may want a different career path, one that he or she is passionate about.

I do agree with you that parents have a responsibility to their young teenagers and the amount of time spent on smartphones. Tweens 11 and younger should not have a personal cell phone as these youngsters are impressionable and can be easily persuaded to get involved into dangerous, exploitive, harmful activities that can have life altering ramifications.

Smart phones are considered a necessity in my generation of young adults and most likely in generations to come.

— Madelyn Cooper

Cooper is High Point University Senior from Salisbury.

NCAA should reject PAC-12 leftovers

As Florida State and Clemson are suing the ACC in order to exit the conference without having to pay multi-million dollars in fees, the ACC welcomed PAC-12 leftovers — Stanford and Berkeley — after that conference collapsed.

As we see so-called “elite” and “prestigious” colleges and universities across the country promote and protect antisemitism, hate speech and violence, including both of the aforementioned California universities, the ACC leadership should step up and withdraw the offer to join. 

Don’t let the extremists in; protect the proud history of the ACC.

The history and reputations of the “elites” are done. They are nothing more than over-priced cesspools. Unfortunately, even the U.S. president is staying on the sidelines letting it happen.

— Floyd Prophet