Spirit of Rowan: Here’s to the great outdoors

Published 12:00 am Sunday, March 24, 2024

Rowan County has so many great things to offer its residents and visitors. I would know. I used to be a visitor before moving here with my now-wife, Abby.

We have loved exploring Rowan County, getting outdoors with our dog Ernie and soaking it all in. For outdoor enthusiasts, I can think of few places that offer more.

Between the parks, the trails and the lakes, there is plenty to keep you occupied.

This year’s Spirit of Rowan edition from the Salisbury Post takes a look at those various elements of the county that make it such an indulgent destination for those who love getting outside. After all, it’s not called the “just alright outdoors.”

It’s easy with the day-to-day grind to forget the value of getting some fresh air, but we hope this edition will inspire you to lace up the sneakers and go outside.

The Spirit of Rowan will serve as your outdoor travel guide for all things Rowan County, whether you want to take in some wildlife at the Fred Stanback Ecological Preserve or get wet down on the Yadkin River.

If getting face to face with a four-legged critter doesn’t appeal to your better nature, you may consider hopping on a bicycle and visiting our miles or greenways or just getting out and exercising with some tips from an assistant professor at Catawba.

The Spirit of Rowan also highlights some of the organizations that are taking the extra mile to preserve the outdoors and keep them great, such as Salisbury-based Three Rivers Land Trust and the Yadkin River Keeper.

This special edition also features a submission from a young, possibly up-and-coming journalist who documented her trip through time to the shores of the Yadkin River and all she learned while visiting with other students from the Salisbury Academy Upper School.

As you flip through the pages of this issue, my hope is that you will realize how lucky you are to call Rowan County home. It’s made enough of an impact on me in a short time that we decided to set down some roots and stay a while.

Here’s to living life and to the great outdoors.

Your editor,

Chandler Inions