Ann Farabee: Always been there

Published 12:00 am Saturday, March 2, 2024

By Ann Farabee

For you have been my hope, my confidence since my youth.Psalm 71:5

As a 13-year-old, I began attending church and became involved in a youth group. I knew little about God’s Word, but there were youth leaders and pastors who did. I accepted Jesus into my heart, and began my journey toward spiritual understanding.

When I went away to college, I stopped going to church for a period of time. Spiritually, I ended up in a season of indifference. But the spiritual seed that had been planted in my heart remained. I had my Bible with me in my dorm room, and occasionally, I would take a peek inside the covers of God’s Word, see a verse I loved, and underline it in red.

I knew in my heart that Jesus was my hope and had been since my youth.

I did not understand it, but my confidence in Jesus as my Savior remained.

I will hope continually, and will yet praise you more and more. — Psalm 71:14

I finished college and began my teaching career. God began to work in my life. As years began to pass, I began to turn toward my heart even more toward Christ. I began desiring a closer relationship with Jesus. The years were filled with seasons of success and seasons of failure, but my Christian walk was growing stronger every season.

The spiritual seed that had been planted during my youth had continued to grow. I had a teaching career, but I also spent those years serving the Lord while being a part of the local church. One day, I realized I had begun feasting on His Word not just at church, but also at home. My love for Jesus had grown.

I experienced Jesus being my Savior, Protector, Comforter and Provider.

I experienced Jesus. And with me Jesus has remained.

I am in awe of how Jesus is with all of us at one time.

How can we help but praise Him more and more?

Even when you are old, I will take care of you. Even when your hair turns gray, I will support you. I made you and will continue to care for you. — Isaiah 46:4

I think my hair may now be gray, but I have a hair stylist who makes that gray disappear before I can barely see it. I do admit that I may be starting to feel a little older, as the physical and the mental is a little more difficult.

But the spiritual grows sweeter every day. The Word of God comes more alive in my spirit. I can open my Bible and sometimes my heart begins to race as I sense His Word coming alive through the power of the Holy Spirit. There is something about the season of gray hair — or hair that is not yet allowed to turn gray — that is full of the sweet savor of my Savior.

Now that I think about it, all seasons of my life have been like that.

God has always been there.

We have never been alone. He made us, He loves us and He will continue to care for us, no matter our stage in life.

Ann Farabee is a teacher, writer and speaker. Contact her at or

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