Shelby Carroll: Embrace the season: a guide to preparing your summer garden

Published 12:00 am Saturday, February 24, 2024

By Shelby Carroll

N.C. Cooperative Extension

Spring will be here before we know it. With that in mind, you want to start planning out your summer garden. Before diving into the soil, take a moment to assess your garden space and identify your needs and preferences. Consider factors such as sunlight exposure, soil quality and available space for planting. Determine whether you’ll be focusing on flowers, vegetables, herbs or a combination of all three. Take note of any existing plants or structures that may impact your garden layout and plan accordingly. Once you have a clear understanding of your garden space and goals, it’s time to design your garden layout. Sketch out a rough plan, taking into account plant placement, spacing and aesthetic considerations.

With your garden layout in mind, it’s time to select the plants that will bring your vision to life. Choose varieties that are well-suited to your climate and growing conditions, such as heat tolerance, water requirements and pest resistance. Consider incorporating a mix of annuals, perennials and seasonal vegetables to ensure year-round interest and productivity in your garden. Healthy soil is the foundation of a thriving garden, so take the time to prepare your soil before planting. Start by removing any weeds, rocks or debris from the planting area. Loosen the soil with a garden fork or tiller to improve aeration and drainage. Amend the soil with organic matter such as compost, aged manure or shredded leaves to enrich its fertility and structure. Prior to planting also be sure to take a soil test to ensure there won’t be any issue with fertilizer or pH. Soil sample boxes can be picked up at your local county Extension office.

With your soil prepared, it’s time to get your hands dirty and start planting. Follow the spacing and depth recommendations for each plant variety, making sure not to overcrowd or bury them too deeply. Water newly planted seedlings thoroughly to help them establish roots and reduce transplant shock. Once your garden is planted, care and maintenance are essential to keep it healthy and thriving throughout the summer months. Develop a regular watering schedule, taking care to water deeply and consistently to promote strong root growth. Monitor plants for signs of pests, diseases or nutrient deficiencies, and address any issues. By following these steps and pouring your passion into your garden, you’ll create a lush and vibrant oasis that will delight the senses and nourish the soul all season long. So roll up your sleeves, dig in the dirt and let the magic of summer unfold in your backyard sanctuary.

If you chose to keep your garden up all year long, I would encourage you to attend the Seed Saving and Exchange Program on Saturday, March 2, at 11 p.m. at South Rowan Library located at 920 Kimball Road in China Grove. Bring your own seeds to swap with other community members and learn about different methods to save seeds. To register for this event, call the South Rowan Library at 704-216-8226.

Shelby Carroll is agriculture and natural resources agent for the Rowan County Cooperative Extension.

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