Livingstone College hosts Smithsonian exhibit

Published 12:00 am Thursday, February 8, 2024

SALISBURY — The Smithsonian recently opened an exhibit at the Andrew Carnegie Library at Livingstone College earlier this week, Monday, called “Exploring Human Origins.”
This traveling exhibit represents the themes of the Hall of Human Origins at the National Museum of Natural History in DC and discusses the what it means to be human.
Created by scholars at the museum, this exhibit is meant to offer residents of Salisbury, Charlotte, Winston-Salem, Greensboro and other nearby cities and towns an opportunity to experience the Smithsonian without having to travel that far.
In mid-March, the creators of the exhibit are visiting Salisbury to discuss human origins with teachers, clergy and the local community. Their goal: to hold respectful, productive dialogues about the exhibit’s themes so our scholars can learn as much from the community as they learn from our scholars.
Andrew Carnegie Library at Livingstone College is located at 701 W. Monroe St., Salisbury. The exhibit is open until May 15.