Laura Allen: Give the gift that keeps on giving

Published 12:00 am Saturday, December 23, 2023

By Laura Allen

During the holiday season, it is common to spend lots of time pondering the best gifts to give to the children in our lives. Toys, games and clothing are probably at the top of many lists. But have you considered an experience that will help a child long into the future?

In February 2024, the Rowan County 4-H “Speak Up” program will be offered for the 20th year. This workshop series is focused on developing public speaking skills in youths ages 7-18, based on their age as of Jan. 1, 2024. Led by Cheryl Kane of Barton & Kane consolidated, youths receive instruction from a professional who has years of experience with public speaking and leadership development. Participants leave this program with more confidence and skill in public speaking. They are also ready to embark on using their newfound public speaking skills in the annual 4-H Presentation program.

Speak Up includes 4 workshops: Feb. 6, 13, 20, 27. Session 1 is for youths ages 7-11 as of Jan. 1 and is from 4:30-5:45 p.m. Session 2 is for youths ages 12-18 as of Jan. 1 and is from 6-7:15 p.m. The cost is $40 per child (covers all 4 workshops). There is a multi-child discount available for families who register more than one child. Participants must pre-register by Jan. 31 by emailing

Public speaking skills play a crucial role in the personal and professional development of youth. In today’s technological society, our children need to learn and hone their communication skills now more than ever. Here are some reasons highlighting the importance of public speaking skills for youth:

  • Communication skills: Public speaking helps youth develop effective verbal and non-verbal communication skills. This is essential in various aspects of life, including academic presentations, job interviews, and everyday interactions.
  • Confidence building: Public speaking allows youth to overcome stage fright and build confidence. The ability to speak confidently in front of an audience translates into increased self-assurance in other areas of life.
  • Leadership development: Public speaking is a key component of leadership. It enables youth to articulate ideas persuasively and inspire others. Effective leaders are often skilled communicators.
  • Academic success: Youth who are comfortable with public speaking often perform better academically. They can present their ideas clearly, participate actively in class discussions, and excel in oral examinations.
  • Professional advancement: In the professional world, effective communication is highly valued. Public speaking skills are crucial for presentations, team meetings, client interactions, and other workplace scenarios. Youth who develop these skills early on may have a competitive edge in their careers.
  • Critical thinking: Public speaking encourages youth to organize their thoughts coherently and present logical arguments. This enhances critical thinking skills, as individuals must analyze information, draw conclusions, and effectively convey their ideas to others.
  • Interview skills: Youth with strong public speaking skills can articulate their qualifications and leave a positive impression on potential employers.

This holiday season, consider setting your child up for success by registering them for the 4-H Speak Up program. It will be money well spent and will be the gift that keeps on giving long into your child’s future.

4-H is the youth development component of Cooperative Extension. Any youths ages 5-18 (as of Jan. 1) are invited to enroll and participate in 4-H. Visit us at 2727-A Old Concord Road in Salisbury or For questions or more information, contact 704-216-8970 or You can also follow Rowan County 4-H Program on Facebook or rowan_4h on Instagram.

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