Four more years: Landis renews faith in Mayor Meredith Smith
Published 12:00 am Sunday, November 12, 2023
- Meredith Smith
LANDIS — Incumbent Mayor Meredith Smith handily fended off a challenge from Alderman Katie Sells in Tuesday’s election for the town’s executive seat.
Smith’s 259 votes represented more than 71 percent of the votes cast in the election.
The mayor is currently wrapping up her first term as Landis’s chief executive. After the election, she said she felt “humbled” by the turnout and support from Landis voters.
“I think the voters have responded to my leadership with the board and decisions that we have made together for the betterment of the town of Landis,” Smith said. “I look forward to the next four years and working with the new board toward the accomplishments and challenges that face us.”
Smith wished Sells well in her future endeavors, adding, “We ran as a team four years ago and appreciate her support as a board member to turn the town of Landis in the right direction.”
In a questionnaire response for the Salisbury Post, Smith cited water and sewer infrastructure as a main priority to address if re-elected. Landis is currently undertaking a $2.5 million project, funded through the state, to loop South Rowan High School into the Landis water system. It will stop the one-way flow between the school and the town that forces Landis to flush thousands of gallons of water each day to ensure its safe use at South Rowan.
“I am extremely excited about this project and the partnerships to make it happen,” Smith said. “I believe this project could be a catalyst for other water and sewer infrastructure investments by the town.
“I look forward to working with our town staff, contractors, and South Rowan to make this investment a reality. I also think that we are building a strong relationship with our representatives in Raleigh that will carry into future infrastructure grants to the town.”
Smith’s tenure has also seen a resurgence of commercial activity on Central Avenue.
“I believe that Central Avenue is the heart of our downtown and am so glad that business owners are buying into this vision,” Smith said. “I believe the town is a vital partner for downtown development and business retention. There will be other exciting developments over the next four years in the Central Avenue area, and I look forward to attending those ribbing cuttings and announcements.
“As the mayor, I take great pride in all of our downtown. We want to be the best downtown for small business growth and development and believe that we have the right support from our board and the citizens to make this happen. A healthy downtown and Central Avenue benefits us all.”