F&M Bank welcomes Chrissy Overman and Misty Goins

Published 12:00 am Sunday, October 22, 2023

SALISBURY — F&M Bank has recently announced the addition of Chrissy Overman to its Concord office and Misty Goins in the Jake Alexander Boulevard office as relationship banking managers. 

“Chrissy is a quality banker with a wealth of knowledge from her 20 plus year banking career,” said F&M Bank Chairman and CEO Steve Fisher. “Chrissy understands that being a relationship banking manager means being her clients’ financial partner for life.”

Overman is a 2018 graduate of the Leadership Development Institute from the Carolinas Credit Union League. With her experience in mortgage and consumer lending, Overman helps her clients achieve their financial goals — whether they’re establishing a new banking relationship, purchasing a new home or getting a new piece of equipment for their business. 

A Concord resident for over 20 years, Overman has volunteered with many organizations, including supporting human trafficking victims and serving on the board of directors for Rowan/Cabarrus Vocational Opportunities. 

Similarly, Goins has served on the advisory board for the Salvation Army of High Point. She has also trained to be a child advocate as Guardian ad Litem, as well as a big sister for Big Brothers, Big Sisters. A 2023 graduate of Leadership High Point, Goins was awarded the Miss Congeniality Award from her class. She was also honored with Building Everyday Leaders in 2022 and Women in Motion Kitty Congdon Mentorship Series in 2023. 

For over 20 years, Goins has served clients in the banking industry. “Misty always has our clients’ best interests at heart. She consistently exceeds her clients’ expectations and makes a difference in their lives through the trusting relationships she builds,” said Fisher. “We’re proud of her accomplishments and continued growth with us.”

Fisher adds, “We have no doubt Chrissy and Misty will continue to excel in their careers with F&M Bank. Please join us in welcoming them to our Concord and Jake Alexander Boulevard office locations.”