High school football: Standings, scores, schedules, North moves game to Thursday
Published 5:30 pm Tuesday, October 17, 2023
- East's Tijon Everhart 4 tackled by North's 55 Elijah Jefferies. photo by Wayne Hinshaw
Lexington at North Rowan game moved to Thursday at 7 p.m. Jayvees will play on Monday.
Central Carolina
Overall CCC
Salisbury 9-0 5-0
North Rowan 7-1 4-0
Lexington 5-3 3-1
Thomasville 5-3 2-2
East Davidson 3-5 1-3
West Davidson 0-8 0-4
South Davidson 3-6 0-5
Friday’s scores
Salisbury 44, Lexington 13
North Rowan 48, West Davidson 6
East Davidson 52, South Davidson 0
Thursday’s games
Lexington at North Rowan
Friday’s games
South Davidson at West Davidson
East Davidson at Thomasville
Open: Salisbury
South Piedmont
Overall SPC
Robinson 8-0 6-0
NW Cabarrus 8-0 5-0
West Rowan 3-5 3-2
Concord 5-3 3-3
Carson 3-5 2-3
South Rowan 2-6 1-4
Central Cabarrus 2-6 1-4
East Rowan 0-8 0-5
Friday’s scores
Robinson 65, South Rowan 0
Northwest Cabarrus 43, Concord 7
West Rowan 37, Central Cabarrus 26
Carson 39, East Rowan 18
Friday’s games
NW Cabarrus at Robinson
South Rowan at East Rowan
Carson at Central Cabarrus
West Rowan at Concord
Greater Metro
Overall GMC
Mooresville 8-0 4-0
Lake Norman 8-0 4-0
Cox Mill 3-5 2-2
Hickory Ridge 2-6 2-2
A.L. Brown 4-4 2-3
West Cabarrus 1-8 1-4
South Iredell 2-6 0-4
Friday’s scores
Mooresville 42, West Cabarrus 3
A.L. Brown 28, South Iredell 14
Lake Norman 27, Cox Mill 10
Friday’s games
A.L. Brown at Mooresville
Lake Norman at South Iredell
Cox Mill at Hickory Ridge
Open: West Cabarrus
Central Piedmont
Overall CPC
East Forsyth 7-1 4-1
West Forsyth 6-2 4-1
Davie 5-3 3-2
Glenn 4-4 3-2
Reagan 3-5 3-2
Parkland 4-4 1-4
Mount Tabor 3-5 1-4
RJ Reynolds 2-6 1-4
Friday’s scores
East Forsyth 52, RJ Reynolds 0
Reagan 28, Parkland 27
West Forsyth 50, Davie 42
Friday’s games
Parkland at Davie
Glenn at East Forsyth
West Fosyth at RJ Reynolds
Mount Tabor at Reagan