Letters to the Editor — July 1

Published 12:00 am Sunday, July 2, 2023

May God always bless America

As we prepare to celebrate July 4th and our nation’s independence in 1776, it may be extremely important for us to remember a statement made a number of years ago by Tony Blair, then Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

Prime Minister Blair and Queen Elizabeth had always been staunch supporters of the United States. When asked by one of his Parliament members why he believed so strongly in America, he was quoted as saying:

“A simple way to take true measure of a country is to look at two things, how many people want in and how many want out!”

Blair continued, “Always remember that in the history of mankind there have only been two defining forces willing to die for you. The first was Jesus Christ and the second was the American soldier, especially in World War II. One died for your soul and to save your sins; the other died so that you and future generations may have your freedom.” May God always bless America!

—Ronnie Smith


Coming out of the closet — literally

When a female N.C. State star athlete has to literally come out of the closet to protect her rights to privacy and dignity, anyone with an ounce of common sense should shout “Enough.”

This is what Kylee Alons, the most decorated swimmer in N.C. State University’s history, experienced at last year’s NCAA Women’s Swimming and Diving championship. She was forced to comply with a ludicrous ruling mandating female swimmers share a locker room with 6’ 3” Will “Lia” Thomas. He was a three-year swimmer on UPenn’s men’s team until he realized he was really a woman trapped in a man’s body. That revelation allowed him to join the women’s team. Even though the thought of Thomas strutting his stuff before them was repulsive, the girls were not allowed to protest. Rather than enduring the angst of seeing Thomas completely nude, as well as Thomas seeing her nude, (I doubt Thomas had a problem with that), Kylee found a utility closet behind the bleachers and changed there.

Any sane person would never put naked college kids together in one room. Unfortunately, our elected Democrats in both D.C. and Raleigh have shown the loss of any sanity they previously possessed by their wholehearted support of transgenderism. Just last week all but one voted against a measure to allow only biological females to play on female sports teams. Afterward, U.S. Sen. John Kennedy (R, LA) stated, “Unless you think there’s an award for being stupid, you know that there are two biological sexes.”

From the White House to the outhouse, scientific facts have been abandoned and supplanted by feelings. A person simply declares themselves to be a different sex and magically the change takes place. No evidence is needed. Forget everything civilization has known for centuries. The crazies have taken over and made up their own rules as they shove this nonsense down the throats of all who disagree. It’s shocking to see otherwise intelligent people remain silent and allow such idiocy to permeate our society.

The war on females and the hijacking of their rights is an assault on real women. “Trans women” are replacing biological women in arenas specifically designed for the female sex. Should I laugh or cry when Glamour Magazine’s cover (British version) features a pregnant female who looks like a typical man and claims to be “a trans pregnant man?” Men play dress up and enter beauty pageants, become Hollywood stars and celebrity beer sponsors. They walk on fashion runways dressed as female models, making sure their genitalia is properly tucked.

From where does this absurdity come? Certainly not the majority of Americans. A 2020 poll says 1.9 percent of the adult population identifies as trans. North Carolina leads the nation with the highest percentage of this population, 0.66%. Yet this very small group has a very loud voice. Some who dared to oppose this movement have been harassed, attacked, fired from their jobs and publicly berated by teachers. Schools have suspended students for wearing T-shirts saying “There are only 2 genders.”

Is this what true sexuality has been reduced to, a mockery of genuine manhood and womanhood? “Majority Rules” no longer applies since this minority is given priority over everyone else. The rest of us are supposed to suck it up, keep our mouth shut and play the “Let’s pretend” game.

Where is all this taking us? Transgenderism’s ultimate goal is the abolition of the nuclear family. This societal construct, taught by Karl Marx in his 1948 Communist Manifesto, is done not by accident, but by purposeful design. Destroy the two sexes and the family unit is obliterated. With no mom or dad in the home raising children, this basic building block of society is wrecked, resulting in the disintegration of our nation.

Fortunately, our N.C. Legislature is combating this dangerous agenda. Last week they sent a bill to Gov. Cooper banning transgenders from girls’ sports. After Cooper vetoes it, the Republicans will override it, making it law.

It’s ridiculous that the trans agenda has gone so far. Common sense people can no longer idly sit by doing nothing! We must speak out and face this evil. Forget political party loyalties. Those days are gone. We’re fighting for the life of our nation. Call and thank our Republican elected officials (and the one Democrat) fighting against this corruption. At least they’re trying to protect women by giving them the privacy they deserve in a world gone mad.

—Renee Scheidt


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