Letters to the editor: Jan. 5

Published 12:00 am Thursday, January 5, 2023

Insanity of littering has to stop

Littering along the streets and highways of Salisbury and Rowan County is at an all-time crisis point. It seems like around the holidays it is always so much worse.   

What do people who visit our great city think of us when they see inconsiderate, unlawful  litter and garbage along our prominent roads?   

We have a disgraceful looking city right now.   

How can we get conviction and moral ethics into people’s minds so that they realize it’s so wrong?

If you are reading this and are guilty please stop! Today I viewed the terrible litter at the exit road Castlewood Drive at Jake Alexander Boulevard. Every McDonalds and fast food bag was there!

It is so discouraging to be a part of Salisbury litter collection drives, to see it make not one bit of good, because it’s never ending.

— Dick A Richards
