Preschoolers help push Christmas Happiness past $37K
Published 12:05 am Tuesday, December 20, 2022
- Preschool students at the United Methodist Church have saved their change for years in order to donate money to the Christmas Happiness fund. This year, the younger children were allowed to accompany the "fours" to make the donation at the Salisbury Post. Their accumulated change anounted to a whopping $438.66. Photo by Elisabeth Strillacci
Some who don’t have the ability to provide a Christmas for their families depend on the kindness of strangers. If you’d like to help, bring contributions to the Salisbury Post, located at 131 West Innes St., weekdays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. or mail to Christmas Happiness, c/o Salisbury Post, P.O. Box 4639, Salisbury, NC 28145. Checks can be made payable to Christmas Happiness Fund and donations can also be placed in the Salisbury Post front door mail slot.
With more than $37,000 already donated, the Salvation Army will be able to help many families in need this Christmas make sure children have a happy holiday. The following donations are the most recent, including a sizable contribution from a group of preschoolers:
• Donated to help the families in our area to have a Merry Christmas, by First United Methodist Church Preschool — $438.66
• In memory of James F. and Elizabeth Holmes Hurley, by Gordon Hurley — $1,000
• In memory of Haden Hurley and Jimmy Hurley, by Gordon Hurley — $1,000
• In memory of Carolyn Hurley and Buck Hurley, by Gordon Hurley — $1,000
• In memory of Rose and Eddie Post, by David Post — $250
• Anonymous — $200
• In honor and memory of friends and family, by Jane Rowland — $100
• In loving memory of my husband, Dennis Sims, by Dorthy Sims — $100
• In honor of Jimmie and Renae at Envision Salon, by Pennie and Dick Martin — $100
• In honor of Daryl and Phillip, by Pennie and Dick — $100
• In honor of Stephan Williams and St Luke’s Adult choir, by Pennie and Dick — $100
• In honor of Grandmama and Pinky, by Julie, Baxter, Lola, Izzy and Tux — $25
• In memory of Bettie Harrington Fesperman and in honor of Donna Burr — We miss you Bettie, you kept us smiling and Donna, we love you and thank you for hosting our Christmas party each year, by Girls Night Out Gals — $150
• In honor of our special grandsons, Davis and Grey Allen, by Bev and Jim Mitchell — $100
• In memory of David L Huffman, by Jennifer, Jimmy, Kaitlyn, Mckenzie and Chase Shoaf and Kyle Huffman —$100
• In memory of our grandparents, William and Anna Huffman, by Jennifer Shoaf and Kyle Huffman — $100
• In memory of Ruth E. Deadmon, by Jennifer Shoaf and Kyle Huffman — $50
• In honor and memory of the 4D’s — $100
• In honor of the members of Crown In Glory, by Crown In Glory Lutheran Church — $100
• In loving memory of Blanche, Quiller, Mabel, Mack, Bud, Margie, Smitt, Pat, Maw Maw and Paw Paw — $200
• In memory of our parents, Al and Thelma Boulus and my husband, Dan Flowe by Michael Boulus, Sandy Flowe and family — $100
Running total — $37,265.52