Letters to the editor: Oct. 30

Published 12:00 am Sunday, October 30, 2022

Vote Marsh for school Board

I have known the Marsh family for many years. Lynn has had an excellent career in education and cares about what happens to the students in the Rowan-Salisbury school system.

She believes that all students deserve quality education so that they will be prepared to continue their educational plans after graduating from high school, whether that be learning needed skills to enter the workforce in our community or seeking higher educational opportunities.

Lynn has the knowledge and experience to help improve the Rowan-Salisbury School System. Join me in keeping Lynn Marsh on the Rowan-Salisbury Board of Education.   

— Jeffrey R. Barger


Politicians aren’t answer, but vote conservative

Let’s see here — recent reports are that America’s military is growing weaker and risks being unable to prevail in even a single regional conflict.

With his first of many illogical executive orders President Biden stopped the Keystone pipeline changing America from energy self-sufficiency to a beggar for oil (which may have emboldened Putin to invade Ukraine).

Most recent bids to buy votes for Democrat candidates include “canceling” student loan debt (actually transferring from those who owe it to those who don’t), and draining the country’s strategic oil reserves in an attempt to lower gas prices ahead of the mid-term election.

Now our president says his No. 1 priority if Democrats keep control of congress will be — abortion. Not inflation, national security, crime or energy, but codifying into national law radical Democrats’ goal of unrestricted abortion.

All of us have held newborn children or grandchildren and marveled at the miracle of life. How anyone could support allowing that baby to be dismembered and removed from the womb up to the time of birth is beyond me. The fact is very few people do, but extremist liberals ballyhooed at a recent proposal of a national limit of abortion after 15 weeks of gestation (the standard in other developed countries).

Anyone looking to politicians of either party to save America are going to be sorely disappointed — only God in His mercy can do that (2 Chronicles 7: 14). But given the current administration’s track record, support of conservative candidates in the current election is our only hope for a short-term reprieve.

— Tim Deal
