Doug Creamer: I want a do-over

Published 12:00 am Saturday, October 22, 2022

By Doug Creamer

Where did last week go? Seriously, where did it go? I am old enough to know that weekends and some weeks go by fast. Even for semi-retired folks, time can fly by. But last week was ridiculously fast. I think my allergies are to blame. My allergies put me to bed for the weekend and I have been taking naps all week.

I know you might be thinking it was COVID. I have done my homework. There are some symptoms in common and some differences between COVID and allergies. I have fought allergies for many years; my symptoms were definitely allergies. But after a week, my wife and I were concerned that maybe I could have something more. We thought I should take a COVID test before going to work and spending some time with friends. Thankfully, my test was negative.

I struggle every spring and fall with allergies. I have to say that I have been lucky the last couple of years. I am not sure if the mask wearing that COVID encouraged helped, but I haven’t been knocked down by my allergies until last week. I guess I am making up for the past couple of years getting off so easy.

Don’t get me wrong, my allergies were flaring up each spring and fall but not bad enough to put me in bed. I haven’t missed the dragging around. I had plans last week. I guess the key word there would be “had.” The week is gone and I have little to show for it. It would be nice if there was a way to bank up all the extra sleep and make withdrawals later when I need it.

I never skip church, but I missed it last weekend. I rarely stay home from work, but I did a couple of days last week. Allergies can be rough, especially when there doesn’t seem to be any relief in sight. I take plenty of over-the-counter products but sometimes the only relief is sleep. That can be hard to get when you are sneezing.

I do understand what is happening with allergies. My body perceives something is attacking. I am experiencing my body’s defense mechanisms working hard to protect me. That all makes perfect sense, but why do I have to feel so lousy? How do I tell my body’s defense system to calm down?

God created our incredible bodies and they have tremendous power to protect us and to heal us when we get injured. The dermatologist cut things off my body twice now and I have watched my body heal, which is a miracle. When we get colds or allergies our bodies are equipped to defend us. All of that comes from God who is our healer.

I have seen people healed miraculously. I know that God is still in the healing business. I believe that prayer is powerful and it has a profound effect on our lives. I also believe that we don’t realize how much influence our prayers have on people or situations. God listens when we bow our heads in prayer. He not only listens but He acts upon our requests.

I enjoy praying for others, but honestly find it hard to ask for prayer. But in this case I have asked both family and friends to pray for me. I am hoping that this cold spell will kill whatever is causing my sinuses to go haywire. But I know that the biggest reason I am beginning to improve is that I have good friends praying for my health. I have a good Father in heaven who is keeping a close eye on me and has even dispatched angels to guard and protect me.

When I am feeling bad or struggling with life issues I have found great comfort in the Psalms. This time I read Psalms 1, 23, and 91. While I love Psalms 1 and 23, it was in Psalm 91 that I found great comfort. God promises so many great things to us if we will run to Him. He will cover us, protect us, comfort us and tell His angels to watch over us.

I want to encourage you to read Psalm 91. It is filled with great comfort for those who are going through a difficult time. I also want to encourage you to hang on; I promise you will make it through your situation if you cling to your Heavenly Father. He knows about your situation, loves you in your situation, and will help you through your situation. You can count on Him.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041 or

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