Doug Creamer column: Change in life

Published 12:00 am Saturday, July 16, 2022

By Doug Creamer

This morning began on a concerning note. I was driving to work when I saw a car coming from the opposite direction being chased by three police cars. As they zoomed past me all I could do was pray for everyone involved. I hope that no innocent people were hurt and that the situation resolved in a positive way.

This evening’s garden check also included a disconcerting sight. I discovered a black snake wrapped up in the netting that I have wrapped around my blueberry bushes. He was so tightly wrapped that I thought he was already gone. As I started to cut away the mesh he started to move. I worked for a while to free the snake but he got anxious and kept opening his mouth towards me. I didn’t want to get bit in the process of setting him free, but eventually I was able to cut the netting away and free the snake.

These two events reminded me of a discussion I had this week about writing. A group of us were talking about how authors get ideas for their stories. I said that authors choose topics or themes about which they are passionate. Some of the themes we discussed were love, coming of age, growing older, overcoming, revenge, good versus evil, and addiction.

The topic of addiction struck a chord with several in the group. One individual shared how an addiction had destroyed the marriage of a co-worker. He went on to share that when the person finally got help for his addiction he was able to turn his life around.

Another woman shared how she had gotten free from addiction through faith in Jesus. She struggled to understand why others she knew did not want to be freed from the same addiction in their lives. Despite numerous attempts to share her story, they continue on in their addiction. “Why don’t they follow the same path I found?”

Several in the group tried to explain to her that the nature of addiction keeps people trapped, even when they can see a path out. One person put it best, “people will remain trapped in addiction until they finally decide that they want to be free.” She kept asking us, how can she help these people? We told her that prayer was her best and most powerful tool. We all also encouraged her to never give up on her friends. We told her to keep encouraging them, praying and hoping that they would take the path to their freedom.

One individual concluded that we are all weak and broken in different ways. We each have a need for our Savior’s help to change and overcome the struggles that we face. Your struggles are real to you and my struggles are real to me. We all want to live right for God, but we have to learn to let Him help us.

The Bible tells us that none of us are righteous or always make the right choices. Thankfully, the book of Romans teaches us that while none of us is good enough to earn God’s favor, God in His mercy and love made a way for us to be right with Him. When we invite Jesus to be our Savior, He comes to live inside us. It’s Him living inside of me that makes me right with God. The Bible makes it clear that there is nothing I can do. It is the free gift of God to all who will open their hearts to receive it.

The only hope I have to change is inviting Jesus to live inside me. He will help me change, making me righteous in the process. Anything I might try to do in my own strength counts as nothing. I have to learn to work with Jesus if I hope to bring lasting change and eternal rewards. If I ever hope to live a better life I have to live by faith in Christ and what He does in and through me.

I want to encourage you to invite Jesus to live in you and to work through you. Real change in your life comes when you allow Christ to work out your salvation in and through you. Knowing you don’t have to do it on your own ought to give you courage to press through the challenges. He wants the best for you and will work in you if you invite Him in. Open the door of your heart to Him and watch what He can do as you cooperate with Him.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041 or

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