Catawba announces 28 new endowed scholarships
Published 12:00 am Thursday, July 7, 2022
SALISBURY – Catawba College recently announced the creation of 28 new endowed scholarships.
The scholarships were announced this spring semester at the first scholarship celebration event held in-person since 2019.
Nine of the 28 scholarships were either created as or increased to Presidential level endowed scholarships, which are at a $150,000 endowment level and are awarded to Catawba’s top merit students.
Catawba Communications Director Jodi Bailey said the amount of money awarded by each scholarship varies by program.
Oluwafikemi Fawehinmi, Class of 2022, said: “Because of the mere existence of an endowed scholarship, I am currently working as an intern for Congressman Hudson and have experienced and learned so much in the political field. I have secured a big girl job for post-graduation at a prestigious law firm in Charlotte and plan on going to a great law school.”
Fawehinmi was the recipient of The Dr. J. King West Memorial Endowed Scholarship. She majored in political science with a concentration on pre-law and a minor in Business Administration. All scholarships are renewable for four years unless determined differently by the donor.
May 2022 graduate, Abby Walters, spoke at the event. Walters is a recipient of the Jean Miller Wurster and Daniel J. and Mary Jane Smith Scholarships.
“I am double majoring in Biology and Psychology, with minors in chemistry and
interdisciplinary data science,” Walters said. “I also am a member of the women’s soccer team, the honors program, and am involved in a very long list of activities. My success here and the amazing four years I have had would have never been possible without the Presidential Scholarship, and all of you sitting in front of me. Thank you all, for allowing me to create the life for myself I have been dreaming of since I was young. Thank you for allowing me to grow into a strong, confident leader. Thank you, for allowing me to meet my lifelong friends and make memories with them that I will carry with me for the rest of my life. Thank you, for helping me become the best version of myself.”
The nine presidential level endowed scholarships include:
The Margaret W. Faust, The Carolyn Eichler Peeler Scholarship, The Mary Anne Laningham, The Rev. Paul N. Marsteller Scholarships, The Mary Anne Laningham Scholarship, The Paul N. Marsteller Scholarship, The Mary Luther Hudson and Dr. Robert L. Hudson Scholarship The Dr. Robert L. and Mary Luther Hudson Scholarship, The Beverly Lynn Corelle Scholarship, The Robert F. Walker, Jr. Scholarship, The Michael L. Webb Scholarship.
Additional endowed scholarships funded at $25,000 or more:
The Hank ’67 and Sue ’70 Armstrong Scholarship, The Dr. L. Milton Baum, Scholarship, The Wendy A. Brown Scholarship, The Class of 1971 Scholarship, The Jim Joan Edge Scholarship, The Majel, Aurora Errante-Wolfe Scholarship, The Four Forever Friends Scholarship, The GFWC-NC Mary K. Whitener Music Scholarship, The Bill and Carolyn Haggerty Scholarship, The Murphy J. and Betty W. Hampton Scholarship, The Harold W. Holste Scholarship, The Carolyn Cates Hurley Scholarship, The Nick Means Scholarship, The Jeannie Rives Misenheimer Scholarship, The Lillian Morgan Scholarship, The Michaela D. Patterson Scholarship, The Miles J. & Katherine H. Smith Memorial Scholarship, The 1965 Society Scholarship, The Lawrence Stanback Memorial Scholarship, The Cora Ellen Stroud Memorial Scholarship, The Curtis J. and LaSheka Foxx Walker Scholarship.