Letter: Workforce emergency strikes NC

Published 12:00 am Sunday, February 20, 2022

North Carolina is currently in the middle of the worst workforce emergency in modern history, and the 24/7 health and human services groups have been hit the hardest. When they/we don’t have a full workforce, our most vulnerable seniors and children suffer.

There are not enough bodies to fill the jobs available today, and it will only get worse unless we can fix this through adequate Medicaid rates and a foreign guest worker program.

We can do better; our state and federal leaders can do better. We must take action now to provide the care our seniors and children deserve, and to save lives.

Please email me at tgoins@LSCarolinas.net for more info or to find out how you can help.

Thank you for listening.

— Ted Goins


Editor’s note: Ted Goins is president of Lutheran Services Carolinas, which is based in Salisbury.